2: Overconsumption

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Axl had some friends who were also at the bar. I'd heard about them, mostly as forewarning. 'Don't let Slash show you something you'll like. Don't let Izzy lead you into his dressing room. Don't let Steven... well just don't hang out with him. We know he's a bad influence. And don't let Duff pour margaritas down your throat.' I could hear the voice of God in my head like he was here with me now. Then again, he probably was. 

All that was most important though, was not to let Axl talk me into doing anything I wouldn't do in Heaven. No sex, no drinking, no drugs, no going into shady-looking clubs, and definitely no going to shows. When I'd asked how exactly I was supposed to talk to him if I didn't do anything that seemed to be everything that he did, I was greeted with a very firm 'you'll find a way.' 

Thus far, I'd already broken one of those rules. This was going to be a lot harder than I thought. A bartender, at least I think that's what they're called, asked me and Axl what we wanted to drink when we sat down at the counter. I didn't hear when he'd ordered, but I asked if they had any non-alcoholic items. 

"I told you I'd take you for a drink," Axl said. 

"I am ordering a drink," I replied. 

"Not the right kind. She'll have what I'm having." His speaking for me annoyed me a little bit, but I bit my tongue. 

Someone nodded his head towards me. "Who's the girl?"

"Lucy," I answered before Axl could say something stupid to whoever this was. (I'm pretty sure it was Izzy, but I really don't know.)

His dark hair fell into his face while he sat down next to me, moving his seat closer to me. I was told this is another major red flag. 'Don't engage with anyone who tries to talk to you through physical touch!' I was told.

Low and behold, his hand made its way to rest on my thigh. I slowly moved to take his hand off of me, all the while smiling and looking at his face. "What're you looking for? One night stand?" He asked, resting his head on his cheek. 

I jumped the gun. "I don't know what that means, Izzy."

"That's cute, but if you're not a sleazy fan, then how could you possibly know my name? Why else would you be holding my hand?" He nodded down to where my hand was over his. 

"I was trying to get you to let go of me!" I protested. I pushed his hand away with mine, and then folded my hands once more.

Axl put a hand on one of my shoulders. "Let her be. She's a little off," He explained to his bandmate. 

"What's a one night stand?" I asked again. 

"When you meet up with someone specifically to fuck one time, and then you never see each other again," A curly-haired man who I'd come to know as Slash during the warnings earlier mentioned explained. 

"Why does everyone talk like that?" I complained. I covered my mouth with my hand, gasping. How could I have done that? 

"What's the matter, Angel-face?" Axl asked, holding me closer to his person. I tried to shrug him off, but he wouldn't leave me alone. I was getting way too much attention, and it wasn't for good reason. 

How could I have complained? I mean, I don't think that's technically 'sin,' but it could be rooted somewhere within sin, right? "I really need to go back home. I was wrong. I'm not ready for this."

"Did you run away?" Slash asked, face flashing with concern a little bit. 

The temptation to lie was strong, but I resisted the urge. "I didn't mean to, but I accidentally got so far away I forgot how to get back."

"We could get you a map," Izzy suggested. "You could tell us what street names sound familiar to you, and then we could figure out how to get you back from there."

"No, you don't understand. I can't go back, not now. I have to wait to be taken." I put my head in my hands, frustrated and tired.

"Why?" Axl asked. "Why can't you go back on your own?"

"Because He wants me to be here! I'm supposed to save your tainted souls!" I shout, exasperated. I gasped and covered my mouth again. Whatever happened to 'love thy neighbor?' I looked at the drink in front of me. I couldn't, wouldn't, shouldn't, and so I don't. I just stare at it while Axl drains another, giving me a look somewhere between confusion and curiosity. 

"I'll getcha a hotel room for the night," He said finally.

"What?" I ran my finger over the rim of the glass. 

"Just wait and see."

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