03 - Knowing Ms.coffee

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Author's POV

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Author's POV

Next-Day at School,

It's Ayden's 3rd period already, he scanned for Ms. coffee's initial but wasn't able to find her.

Lia saved a seat for him that day. Surprisingly Lia also wasn't a big fan of history.

Both of them were drop dead bored while listening to WWII history.

"Lia, can you assemble the homework and bring them to the teacher's room?" Lia seemed relieved after hearing that.

She stood up and replied, "Sure enough sir." She also added, "Can I take Ayden with me, Sir?"

Ayden appeared shocked, then their history lecturer Mr. Jones said, "Sure."

Ayden stood up as Lia granted him the sign, they both tugged the copies and headed to their goal.

They set the copies on Mr. Jones' desk with a hard noise as the papers hit the desk.

"Agh that class was boring," Lia complained as they passed the door.

Before Den could answer back, his eyes were stuck on Ms. Coffee playing external with her hair.

Ms. Coffee waved to Lia with her right hand that was twinkling from the silver bracelet on her wrist. Lia replied with a generous wave back.

Ayden and Lia kept roaming towards their class. Ayden's wonder was annihilating him to interrogate something about Ms. coffee.

Once the bell rang they were on break, he ultimately got the guts to ask Lia about her.

-"Lia, who was that?"

-"That's my mate, Aria."

-A lightened smile occurred on his face."Is she in the same grade as us?" he asked.

-"Yeah, She is in Section B." Lia acknowledged with the 'tell me why' look.

Ayden caught sight of her sign and answered her unbidden suspicion
-"I was just curious. "

Lia giggled and replied,
"Keep saying yourself that."

In a mocking voice, she added, "I was just "cuRIoUs,"

He chuckled to brush off the concern.
Shortly they were in the diner for lunch.

Ayden and Lia brought their meal, then walked beside the basketball court.

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