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Luna's POV

It had been a few weeks since the shooting and I was able to walk by myself which for any normal person would be a walk in the park but for me, after having a bullet in my leg it was a struggle. The only positive thing about not being able to walk was Mark had been living with me. I also think it was his cover because he didn't want to leave me again. The only time he left me since the shooting was when I ended up being checked into the psych ward and since then he hasn't left my side well apart from when I'm peeing. 

 I haven't had the chance to speak with Derek as he's been avoiding my calls once again but Addison has apologised. It was a lengthy apology I must say. Having Mark around again has been eye-opening, he hasn't changed. A few nights ago he told me everything that had happened since the last time we spoke, and blimey did it make me laugh. One thing that didn't surprise me at all was that he has a Daughter!! 

The one person who has surprised me is Lexie, we had a lot of time to talk in group therapy anshees stayed around a few times. I didn't think I was going to like her due to knowing she dateMarkrk but she surprised me. She's very much like me.

Today every resident has to do a mandatory therapy session. I'd been staring at my closet for a good hour trying to pick something to wear and settled on the same jeans and hoodie I'd been wearing to every session. Mark was driving me once again as he didn't trust me to drive myself as my leg still wasn't healing properly. I hobbled downstairs and put my shoes on. I could do that by myself but Mark always tried to baby me. 

"Mark you ready? I want to be early. Come on!.... Hurry up!" I shouted up to him.

"I'm coming I'm coming!" He shouted back. He came running down the stairs of my apartment and grabbed the keys off the hook before looking at me for a second. 

"Hey, you taken your medication?" He asked getting into the car.

"Nope, almost forgot. Are they in the Kitchen?" I asked before pointing at the Kitchen.

"Yeah I'll grab them" Mark said grabbing them and a bottle of water and handing them to me. I downed them quickly and then smiled at him. 

"Have you eaten today?" Mark questioned. 

"Mark you made me oatmeal so yes" I said sarcastically back. 

"Okay, just checking," He said defensively. 

"I'm fine. My first day back is tomorrow, I can look after myself" I said to make him aware and piss him off. 

"Have you got the elevator yet?" He asked opening the door for me and him following. 

"No, I was gonna ask if you could come in it with me on the way up today?" I asked, I was scared, to say the least about going in the elevators again. I couldn't bear the thought of it. 

The journey to the hospital wasn't that long as I only lived a few blocks away and half the time we walked but today it was raining and neither of us fancied getting soaked. Every time since the shooting came back to the hospital my anxiety and heart rate spiked. My therapist says it's my body reacting to the trauma and one day it will be easy to arrive and leave without feeling anything. Mark parked in his usual spot which was next to Dereks and close to the entrance which was good for me as I didn't have far to walk. 

"Tomorrow you'll be going to start your first day as a resident" Mark said grinning. 

"I know, you still gonna come in the Elevator with me?" I asked taking a deep breath, it was scary coming back here. It was meant to be a fresh start but it was beginning to feel more like a step back.  

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