a new beginning?

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Since passing all their boards they had non stopped partied. Except for Luna.

Luna on the other hand was still working and operating whenever she could. Mainly to escape the fact she was leaving everyone behind and that she and Jackson haven't had a conversation about what their relationship was or anything. She and April hadn't spoken much either, just because Luna didn't want to pity her like everyone else.

"Wow is it the Luna Shepherd?" Mark said walking into an on-call room where Luna was laying looking up at the ceiling.

"Woah is it the Mark Sloan?" Luna sarcastically answered back.

"Can I sit?" Mark asked.

"If I say no you will anyways"

"Lexie told me she still loves me" Mark whispered.

"Wow she finally told you"

"You knew?" Mark questioned.

"Mark she's my friend, also I am a woman who has been burned by you before," Luna said laughing.

"You still holding that against me?" Mark said laughing.

"No, but I'll always have a love for you. What are you gonna do? Heard Julia wants a kid with you but Lexie still loves you so" Luna asked, mainly because she needed to know what he'd do to know if it would help her.

"You see Julia is the right age and wants the same thing and it's simpler in some ways. But Lexie, Is Lexie she's just I love her" Mark said softly.

"I know the feeling"

"When do you leave?" Mark asked realising it was not long until Luna left again but for good this time.

"A few days," Luna said tapping her stomach.

"You better let me come visit you" Mark whispered.

"I'll phone you if I have any plastic cases, plus I'll be back for Christmas and thanksgiving," Luna said once again trying to convince herself more than Mark.

"You and Jackson will sort itself out by the way," Mark said kissing Luna on the head.

"I've got surgery so I will see you later?" Luna said getting up.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

"Robbins I was coming why did you page me?" Luna said walking into the scrub room.

"I know I know, just nervous as you know you and Alex are going to Boise and I want to go over the surgery before you leave tonight," Arizona said sounding very stressed.

"I'll be fine, you've got Karev and me going that's two of the best residents," Luna said scrubbing in. She knew she'd miss this place.

"Have you spoken to April?" Arizona asked, everyone knew Luna hadn't spoken to her not because she didn't want to but because she didn't know what to say.

"Um no, I will but I don't know what to say to her. I'm sorry you didn't pass boards, she's being kicked out of everywhere. Then there's me who can barely string ti words together to say goodbye to everyone it makes me feel sick that I can't talk to her. She's my best friend" Luna said spilling out.

"Have you got everything off your chest?" Arizona said laughing.

Luna looked up and smiled. She knew she made the best decision with her residency here.

"Did Sofia get my leaving gift?" Luna asked following Arizona into the OR.

"You the one that sent the big teddy bear??" Arizona exclaimed.

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