~blood is thicker than water or is it?~

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Lunas POV

There's a saying well not a saying more of a quote "Sometimes blood isn't thicker than water and family will cross you quicker than strangers". You see this particular quote always makes me think and kind of relate to it. I always call the Shepherds and Derek, Addison and Mark my family but I had a family before them. One that had quite literally ruined me beyond belief. Going into details and telling people has never been my favourite. Even telling Derek then Derek telling his mother, it was hard. It's like a guilty secret or a different person living inside me waiting to disappear one day.

"What are you doing here?" I asked leaning against the wall staying as far away from him as I could.

"Well Nova, I've been looking for you since London and I wanted to see you" he replied with his deep musty voice. It gave me shivers. 

I hated being called Nova. Not even Derek knew that as my real name, I've always gone by Luna. I looked between Derek and My Biological Dad to see what to say.

"You know you're not allowed to make contact. I don't want to see you!" I said quietly.

He slid his seat back making his way over to me.

"You know Nova I never liked it when you raised your voice at me did I?" Just as he said that I felt a cold grip around my arm.

"When I say your name I expect you to answer?" He shouted in my face.

"Stop it! You can leave otherwise I'm calling the police. You can be arrested for breaching a restraining order and you know that"Derek raised his voice standing between us.

"I'm calling Security to escort you out. And next time don't impersonate her lawyer." Derek said while opening the door.

I slid down the wall I was leaning on and put my head in my chest trying to regulate my breathing. Then I suddenly jumped at the feel of a hand on my back.

"Lulu it's fine he's gone" Derek whispered into my ear.

The realisation that he had gone made me feel some sort of relief but also the fact he had found me made me feel worse.

"Derek how did he find me? I changed my name and changed my whereabouts every two years. I have to leave again he'll come back. And he'll do worse next time just wait. You...You've threatened him he'll come after you too" I said walking back and forth the room. The throbbing from where he grabbed my arm was beginning to take over.

"Lulu you're safe he's not gonna come back you have the restraining order, right? He can't come back I've warned him and if he does he can't hurt you" Derek said trying to reassure me.

"Derek, he impersonated my Lawyer, what extremes do you think he'll go to? Do you think Addison will let me continue my residency from LA?" I said to myself and looked at Derek.

"Luna Shepherd you are my little sister. And you are not going anywhere I promise you. That's your name, That's who you are and That's who you deserve to be. You aren't that scared little girl anymore you can do something about this. You are Brave, adventurous and crazy in the most amazing way and one day you are going to make an amazing surgeon so you are going to wait here while I go and get you a coffee and a banana because I can tell you are dehydrated and we are going to prepare for my surgery this afternoon okay? That I picked you, especially because you are the best resident in this damn program okay?" Derek said staring straight at me.

"Thank you," I said sitting down. My nerves finally calmed down. It seems strange but reminding me of who I am calms me down and my identity and name I need to be reminded of when I go into a cycle of overthinking. 

Merediths POV

"Do you think he has ever had feelings for her?" I asked Christina looking at Derek and Luna in the conference room while they studied for surgery. He kept looking at her every few seconds. 

"Them two? No, they may act like it but no that's family there. It's weird because they aren't related but no they are each other's family you can tell they care and love each other." Christina said looking at them too.

"Wow, that was beautiful, no I know that I just don't know anything about how she got his last name or anything like that. I don't know her." I said walking away with Christina.

"Then get to know her. You know you take in strays, she is one of them but she's one of Derek's strays from years ago. You gotta make time for her. She's one of us now." Christina said in a very serious tone.

" One of us?" I say curiously.

"Umm, the first question I asked her was what speciality she was thinking of and she that's a personal question. And she cares for her patients and people around her like you. There are many more but those are a few that have stuck in my mind. Her first day she got shot and she's still here. Says a lot about her personality right?" Christina said while walking away.

"What do you mean?" I ask her.

"'m getting paged just think okay" she said running through the doors.

Cristina was never that serious about anyone or anything.

Lunas POV

"Hey thanks for today I umm appreciate it. Can you come with me to report it to the police please?" I said to Derek as we were leaving the OR after a successful surgery.

"Yeah, sure. I need to tell Meredith first though!" He said leaving me in the scrub room.

Taking off the gown I could see the slowly growing bruise appearing on my arm. The flashes from the past kept on going through my head and what happened.

"Yo Luna!" Jackson popped his head in.

"Hi sorry you umm startled me" I responded.

"You did well in there, I'm looking forward to seeing you grow into an amazing surgeon I know it." He said staring at me with a smile.

"Thank you, Jackson. Ummm how did your surgery go with Sloan?" I said leaving the Scrub room with him.

"Yeah it went well he let me be first assist and he hasn't let anyone do that before." He said smiling at me as we walked.

"You must be a good surgeon then he doesn't let just anyone do that," I said bumping into him accidentally. 

"Thanks, I'm gonna take that as a compliment then, can we rain check on that Pizza?" He said 

"Sure, you got an emergency surgery or something? I asked looking down at my phone to see a text from Derek. 

"Something like that, Sloan is very generous," Jackson said laughing. 

"Jackson you ready to go?" Lexie shouted from the end of the corridor with her hand out.

"Yeah umm see you later Luna."He said walking up to her and taking her hand as they walked out together. 

There was something in me that broke in that split second, he could've told me the truth or Lexie could've told me she was interested in him this whole time. I was walking aimlessly around the main reception because of what had happened. 

"Hey, Lulu you want to go?" Derek said walking up behind me.

"Umm no sorry Dr Hunt just paged me so I'll see you later" I said running down the corridor to find an empty On Call room. Sitting in the dark made me feel like an absolute idiot for letting someone in. Someone who I thought I could trust and to get used to and lied to again. Then one thought came across my mind. 

Move to Los Angeles to be with Addison. Run away.

Notes -

I'm trying to find a schedule to upload these chapters so hopefully I find a way to do it.

Hope you guys are enjoying it.

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