the return

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It was Luna's first day back at the hospital being a Peds fellow and she was honestly so excited. She knew this was the right thing. After the crash, she was searching for what made her feel her and she couldn't find it. But she feels like parts of her are returning.

"Lu are you driving in or do you want me to?" Jackson asked slipping his head into the bathroom where Luna was doing her hair.

"J I can't drive," Luna said laughing.

"Sorry forgot" Jackson responded feeling embarrassed.

"Do you know what today is?" Luna asked walking out of the bathroom.

"What? Your first day" Jackon said drinking a coffee.

"Our first day working together as boyfriend/girlfriend," Luna said with a big smile on her face.

"That's true," Jackson said kissing her forehead.

"The rest of my stuff is being shipped over next week, so I'm going to go apartment hunting next week at some point," Luna said digging through her bag for her phone.

"Why don't you just move in here?" Jackson asked, Luna's face responded for him.

"We just got together do you not think that's fast? I thought I was staying here until I found my place" Luna asked confused and honestly, she didn't know if she was ready to move in with Jackson or anyone.

"Luna we've known each other for three years now. We've gone back and forth on whether we love each other and now you're saying you're not ready?" Jackson said with a smirk.

"Now that you say it like that... I just don't think I've ever lived with someone since Mark" Luna said, she felt half the time she was replacing someone even though she wasn't. It terrified Luna that she'd get too comfortable and something would happen or she'd forget Mark.

"I only suggested it because when you get the surgery you are going to have to be with someone or have someone with you all the time as you won't be able to move," Jackson said standing in front of her.

"How about when we get back from work, we look at apartments together?" Luna said with a smile hoping he thought the same.

"Really?" Jackson said pulling her into a hug.

"Yeah, but it's got to have a huge living room so we can do movie nights?" Luna said smirking.

"I wouldn't have it any other way," Jackson said kissing Luna on the forehead.

"Okay now can we go, I don't want to be late on my first day," Luna said grabbing her bag, and then following Jackson to his car.

Seattle Grace Mercy West was exactly what she needed to bring her back to life once again.

"I'll see you later, I've got that Plane meeting first," Luna said kissing Jackson before heading up towards the conference rooms.

"What Luna is back?" Alex asked shocked to see her walk in the opposite direction.

"Yeah she is, I thought you'd gone through," Jackson asked confused.

"Thought id stay here, put down some roots" Alex said looking at Jackson seriously.

"You two are finally together," Alex said before following Jackson into the elevator.

"Yeah, we are, what intern are you gonna torture this week?" Jackson asked getting the attention off him.

"None I've turned over a new leaf," Alex said.


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