~tape and glue~

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Luna's POV

I was jolted up and still sat in the elevator. Alex was heaving loudly. I looked down to see my now stained blood scrubs. My body was used to pain by now I reached over to put pressure on Alex's wounds when the elevator started moving. I tried to balance myself. Then a blonde girl rushed it and started shouting at Alex. As soon as I saw other people my consciousness started to fade. 

"Luna?" I heard Mark say before couldn't see or feel anything anymore. 

Marks POV

Bang! Bang! Bang!

I quickly grabbed Leand covered her head and pressed the elevator violently trying to get out.
"Come on!" I said very sternly. I could hear Lexie crying in my arms. The doors open to reveal a bloody scene a small petite blonde girl putting pressure on Karev. He was out cold. It was Luna. I hadn't seen her in a few years. The sudden guilt came over me.

"Luna?" I said looking down at the girl passed out, her scrubs covered in blood. Her Blonde hair longer looked like light more stained with blood.

"Mark! Mark!"Lexies whispered very loudly.
I suddenly pressed the button for the OR floor knowing would need it to change it to the floor above. The elevators dinged we moved Karev to a room the me and Lexie were coming back to get Luna. When the elevator was gond they were shut off.
" No no no" It was liklosingng her all over again. 
I could hear Lexie sniffling behind me.
"O, okay what we are going to do is help Karev then someone with find Luna and everything will be fine. Ok, ay let'go's!" I tried to believe myself but I couldn't.

Luna's POV

The sudden throbbing from my head I lifted which felt like I was carrying the weight of the world. opened an eybutas I couldn't;t hear anything. To see the elevator was empty. I pressed the open button the doors dinged which slightly freaked me out as I didn't know where the shooter was. I grabbed a coat which was covered in blood and tied it around one of the GSWs GSW. And hobbled along a hallway. My vision began to get blurry when I stumbled into a room. It had medical supplies. Realising there was nothing to help me I grabbed some bandages and left leaning on the walls. Stopping for me to get my breath I noticed it looked, like an OR floor. I caught sight of an abandoned wheelchair in the middle of the corridor and mustered enough energy to get into the chair and then wheel myself up to the doors to see if anyone was still there. I peeked my head into one of the rooms and saw people operating on someone. I stood up grabbed one of the doors and pushed myself through it. I could see Cristina and a few other people until I fell to the floor again. When I gained conciseness again, I could hear crying and screaming. 

"No, Derek!"  Women screamed crying. 

"Cristina" I whispered from where I was standing trying to get myself steady against the wall. 

"Avery! Check on her and then come back and assist" Cristina instructed. The man had come over to me and slowly lowered me to the ground before checking me over. 

"She's been shot twice, she needs surgery," The mysterious man said. 

"Okay go across the hall and tell Kepner to come and get her and get her stable" Cristina shouted. 

I looked across at the boy before closing my eyes for what felt like a second but it wasn't. 

Owens POV

"Okay, so we need lap pads and we need to pack to stop the bleeding.  So there's a through and through on the lower stomach and the upper leg the bullets still in there." I said worrying about how mucbloodds she's lost.

"Owen you need to sit down you've just been shot!" Meredith whispered to me but in a w, aI I should listen. "Wait this was the girl in Derek's office earlier" 

"Meredith you need to sit down too. We will pack her and wait for evac okay?" Owen said continuing to pack Luna's wounds. 

"We need to get her out of here now!" Avery shouted I've never seen him this stressed before.

"She's bottoming out, push one of Epi!" Yang shouted. I could tell from her voice that she couldn't lose another person today. 

"Guys just keep her alive for now, they are here okay? Avery, I need a pair of steady hands. Cristina you prep her for moving now!" I work very well under pressure. I looked at her arms to notice scars and irritation on the skin. Owen covered up her arms and legs as they'd had to cut her scrubs to get to the wounds and didn't want her to feel vulnerable when she woke up.

Leaving the hospital was a surreal situation. I'd been to war and seen men and women blown to pieces but this was something different the chaos caused from within was way more destructive.

Jackson's POV

"Women in early twenties two bullet wounds coded 5 times in the last hour. Epi was pushed around 7 times we've packed the wounds but she needs surgery ASAP!" Getting out of the ambulance the sudden realisation of what happened hit me. 

Who was that girl that we saved? 

Marks POV

"Has anyone checked in by the name Luna? She's blonde early twenties. She was at Seattle Grace Mercy West?" I said to the lady in the reception. 

"Sorry just looking... room 3146. Do you know the rest of her it's just down as Luna at the moment?" The nurse said. 

"Um yeah Luna Shepherd~Montgomery, room 3146. Thank you!" I said rushing away finding it.

I glanced in seeing she was connected to all the machines, I was angry this had happened and that I couldn't save her. I took the seat next to her, her hands were warm just like they usually are. 

"She's quite the fighter isn't she?" Webber said coming in through the doors. 

"They say she missed the shoot 3 or 4 times moving about the way she did," Webber said looking at Mark. 

"She can never stay in the same place for a long time," I said laughing lightly. 

"Sorry, I've got to take this it's Addie she wants an update!" Whispering to Webber as my phone rang with Addie on the phone. Webber nodded taking my seat as I left. 

"Hey, Addie she's fine she's on a vent right now so the next 24hrs are critical...Derek, he was shot but is alive and will recover." I said across the phone.

"Why was she even there?" Addie asked. 

"No clue, I haven't seen her in years. Since we broke up actually" Mark said coughing. 

" Wait so if you haven't spoken to her either. You're telling me the person who has commitment and abandonment was abandoned by her family. You know how she feels about that. I know okay I'll explain. Does she know anything?"  Addie said across the phone, I could tell she was worried about Luna now. 

"I'll explain everything to her, I'll get her to call you when she wakes up" Mark said before hanging up and returning to Luna's room.

I sat there for what felt like hours, a few others had come in. Lexie came in to tell me she was going home and Meredith to update me on Derek. But no one else, although i spotted Avery waiting outside for a while before Meredith drove all the residents home. 


This was a long chapter. Sorry about that hope it makes sense I've added in a few lines and things to fit the storyline. If you guys have any suggestions please tell me.

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