Chapter 10

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"Then you should have jumped him already! It's rare to have such a masterpiece naked in front of you, you know?" Michell frowned and I chuckled.

"I have a mate." I said as I pet my little Hariel. It's been four days since I got her. I pouted and it's been four days since I last saw Lucas too.

I missed him so much.

"Are you an idiot?! Niel is your mate but he doesn't care. He changed dates twice since you're gone. That freaking bastard! I know you're not me but if I were you I'd go find someone better."

But it's not that easy.

"Niel called me and apologised." She went silent.

I don't know what my point is for saying that he called.

"He apologised because he felt pity for you, don't you understand?" That caught me off guard.

"I know it but-" The door burst open that made Hariel hide. I sat up when Daniel walked in.

"Dress up, we're going to the hospital." He said, eyeing my rabbit with those confused eyes. "You haven't eaten it yet?" My eyes widened.

"She's my pet! How can I eat her?!" I stared at him like he grew another head. Is he stupid?

"I ate my dog before." My jaw dropped.

"Wh-what?" He just shrugged.

Oh my god how dare he eat his dog?!

"Oh anyways hurry up." After that he left.

That murderer! Poor dog... I pouted as I looked down at my Hariel.

"Don't worry I won't do the same."

How can he eat such a cute creature?!

"Hello? Are you still there?" Michell asked.

"I have to go, talk to you later."

"Okay bye," She sighed. "And Harris."


"Don't let this chance go. It might not be the best choice but it's better than waiting and expecting for something to happen." I smiled.

"I'll try then, bye bye."

I sighed after I hung up. Should I follow her advice? I stood up. I don't really have to rush, besides I have two more months to think.

What if Niel changes his mind as well? I know it's useless having this thought but he was obviously jealous of Liam back then.

I changed my clothes and put Hariel in my bag with some of her food.

Cuz obviously I can't leave her here! I locked the door and started walking towards the front gate.

I thought being alone with Daniel was the worst but I thought wrong.

"Look, he's here, Finally." I stiffened as I stared at the three monsters waiting outside the car.

Wow, looks like it's my day today! How lucky. I said sarcastically.

"Let's get going. Zoddy, you drive and I'll sit at the back with our little Harris." Daniel smirked. I gulped at him and Zoddy frowned.

"Why don't you drive and I'll take care of him." Daniel rolled his eyes at Zoddy.

"You're being a bitch. Liam you drive." Daniel said as he walked towards the car.

"Why would I?" Liam glared at him, which made Daniel sighed.

"Okay Zoddy you drive. That's final." Daniel said that made the youngest frown. "Harris, where do you want to sit?"

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