No Potion, No problem

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Hermione woke the next morning to a black room, an unfamiliar big bed, closed curtains that made the room dark, one hell of a headache, and... no pants?


She shot straight up and saw someone's sweats on the floor. Possibly belonging to the mystery man of last night. She then realized she was also wearing someone else's shirt which carried a hint of cologne on it.

Hopefully from the same mystery man.

Where the hell was she? She took a look around the room for any pictures but found nothing. She didn't want to leave the room and face an awkward encounter with a man she can't remember, but she did need to get out of here... wherever that was. As she moved around more she noticed that she didn't feel anything. There wasn't that soft pressure below her stomach that typically occurred after a night with someone. Maybe nothing happened?

She moved her bare feet towards the door to further inspect for answers of who, what, when, where, why, and how.

The handle moved before she even got to it and in that moment she realized too late that she forgot to put pants on. She was too occupied with her questions to even realize she hadn't put any on until someone was about to walk in on her without them.

Well, this was one way to meet the mystery man. It's not like he hadn't seen it all already.

The door creaked open and a foot stepped through before the head.

No fucking way.

There was no way she just stayed the night at Malfoy's house.

He stepped fully into the room and Hermione pulled the already oversized shirt down to her lower thighs feeling severely modest under his gaze.

"Morning Granger." His eyes had dark circles under them and his hair was out of place.

"Um, morning." She looked up at him and her heart rate instantly increased in speed.

Merlin, why was this so awkward?

"You remember anything from last night?"

"Well," she tried to say something but she couldn't recall anything from last night. She squinted her eyes as if that would help her remember. Just a few blurry memories from here and there.

"I remember Ron and I fighting? And— and that's it actually..."

Despite her fumbling with the hem of the shirt by her thighs, his eyes never looked towards them. They stayed right where they always did, her eyes.

"Yeah, that was interesting." He darkly chuckled.

"Well, I'm sure that wasn't the only interesting thing about last night. Look I'm assuming you were pretty drunk last night too or else this would've never happened and we can just pretend like nothing happened. Absolutely nothing. Just tell me where exactly it is that I am right now and I can find my way home. We don't have to speak about this ever again. Literally ever. I'm a woman of my word, so don't even worry."

He leaned on the wall like he was taking his time, cocked his head to the side, and smirked.

"Don't have to speak about what Granger?"

He was really going to make her say it out loud.

"About us... you know, having se-"

He burst out laughing cutting her off. She'd never seen him laugh before. Not like this at least and definitely not by her doing. He had dimples. Draco Malfoy had dimples when he laughed. His laugh was comforting in some way to hear. She wished she heard it more often.

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