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Looking at someone/something, you can see whether they'll become a threat, and what would happen if they are

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Looking at someone/something, you can see whether they'll become a threat, and what would happen if they are. And sometimes, you get flash visions of events that are happening or are going to happen.

 And sometimes, you get flash visions of events that are happening or are going to happen

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With this, you are immune to any form of control or subordination. No matter what form it may be, you will never be controlled or under the true subordination of someone.

You're able to manipulate the "controls" of anyone or anything, and bring them under your complete dominion

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You're able to manipulate the "controls" of anyone or anything, and bring them under your complete dominion. If you want to manipulate the "controls" of a person's leg, then that body part will obey your will. However, you can only do it when you're focusing on them—at least indirectly.

 However, you can only do it when you're focusing on them—at least indirectly

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