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'Man... watching a bunch of muscle-headed idiots fighting is kinda boring.' You thought, watching the entire Tank Top clan trying to fight Garou. You were out of their perception, floating in the air above them. You had been following Garou almost as soon as the word gone out.

'He recovered quickly, considering the fact I threw him down several floors of reinforced metal.' Tank Top Master did a good job in halting Garou's movements, going so far as to following a premonition of killing him. However, Mumen Rider stopped him. After a little of talking, Garou turned, seemingly going to walk away from the fight. However, he spun back around, and Tank Top Master knew that. The latter landed a square punch to Garou, but Garou also landed a blow on TTM.

'Hm? Fist of Flowing Water, Crushing Rock?' You thought.

'This kid really is Bang's disciple.'
Garou then proceeded to pummel the shit out of TTM, slamming him back into the stone wall directly below you. The entire thing cracked from the force. Garou then turned, aiming to go for the TT bros. That's when Mumen Rider came flying up from the back on his bike. Garou easily pummeled him into the ground, slamming his face into the blacktop several times. Garou held Rider up towards the bros, showing them what would happen if they decided to fight.

"Alright, that's enough." You landed on the ground, now in their vision. You pulled Mumen Rider out from Garou's grasp and threw him over to where the others were standing.

"Psychotica!" TTM exclaimed, "Get away! This guy's strength is no joke!" Garou, remembering you, came at you, his entire expression contorted into one of pure glee.

"Yeah, I know. That's why I decided to intervene."
Garou came at you, his technique at the ready. He wasn't as fast as Sonic, but he definitely wasn't slow. Before he hit you, you disappeared from his vision. He spun around, fully expecting you to be behind him, but you weren't. He dropped his guard for a second in confusion, and you reappeared in your original spot, sending a pulse of energy into him. He slammed into the wall right next to TTM at a greater speed, and a hell lot more power.

"That's a Class S, Rank 5 for you!" One of them exclaimed.

"Beat his ass!"
Garou pushed himself from the giant Garou-sized hole. He laughed, his teeth covered in his blood.

"How fun," he growled, "You might just prove to be my match, Psychotica!"

"There won't even be a match," you replied, purple swirling in your eyes. His eyes followed suit, and you could see him struggle against your control. But he was no match for you.

Against his will, his eyes slowly began to close, body teetering, but you can see him fight. You've never had to repeat a command before, and you hoped you wouldn't. After about six seconds, his body finally slumped forward, landing on the ground. The Tank Top Bros and Master cheered you on, singing your name like it was a prayer.

"He'll be asleep for about two hours," you said, "That's plenty of time for you to get him to the Association. I'm trusting you can do it without trouble." TTM walked up to you, literally towering over you.

"Thank you Psychotica," he said, "We owe you our lives."

"I don't do debts." You waved him off. "Just hurry and get him back."

"Right." He picked Garou's body up and signaled to his disciples to get a move on. You watched them walk back down the street with Mumen Rider under their arm.

"... you can come out now Charanko." You heard a panicked yelp before the bushes rustled, and a shaggy haired lad popped up. You looked at him. "Why are you here? Go home."

"Y-yes!" He quickly exclaimed, running in the opposite direction. You sighed and began your walk home.

'A human monster? Don't make me laugh.'

It was the next day, late afternoon. After your 14 hour nap, you woke up to a shadow looming over your head.

"... Korrun... do I have to beat you into a pulp?"

"I'm just here to let you know something," they said, holding a paper out to you. You grabbed it and read it through tired eyes, but the more you skimmed it, the wider they got.

"THOSE IDIOTS!" You charged to your wardrobe, quickly changing out of your clothes. "THEY HAD TWO WHOLE HOURS, HOW THE HELL DID THEY MANAGE TO LOSE HIM, AND LOSE TO HIM?!"

"They didn't waste the two hours," Korrunn said from behind you. "Garou was broken out from your control." You paused.

"... what?"

"Yeah. I don't know who, but I felt your control break loose from him. It has to be a pretty powerful witch to be able to shake your control from something."
Your body was outlined in purple, the entire complex shaking. The walls, floors, and ceilings were on the brink of total collapse.

"Calm down, Y/n," Korrun said, "Taking down the place you live in part-time isn't going to kill off the witch."

"No, but it would make me feel better." You then took a deep breath and closed your eyes. The building became stable. Hopefully people would just think it was an earthquake or something. "Are you sure you don't know who it is?"

"I'm positive. I only tracked your signature, I couldn't sense the person who did it." When Korrun look back at you, you were glaring at them, eyes glowing brightly. The marks appeared around your eyes again.

"Do not lie to me."

"I'm not," they defended, "You can sense if I'm lying or not." The glow died down, and the markings slowly receded.

"That's true," you replied, "But that doesn't mean there aren't counters to my power. That's probably what the witch did."

'How did this 'witch' even know about me without me knowing first?'

"Well, good luck with that," Korrun said, disappearing from your apartment. You scowled.

'Just one thing after another.'

A few days later, you woke up to Saitama and Genos halfway in the living room.

"What are you two doing?" You asked, rolling over to look at them. Your eyes then landed on Saitama. "... why are you wearing a wig--?"

"To get into this martial arts tournament Charanko was going to," he replied.

"A tournament?" You repeated. "When? Today?"


"That sounds kinda cool, I'll come with." You stood up and began to get dressed.

"But you need a ticket to get in," he said.

"It's fine," you replied, slipping on a shirt. "I can just make it so I'm not there--it's not that hard."

"Oh, I see. Well then, let's go."

"Have a good time, Senseis!"

Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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