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"Charanko said he signed up on a whim," Saitama said as you and him arrived at the arena.

"Probably because he's pretty weak and wanted to see how he'd fair," you replied, keeping yourself hidden from everyone's vision, minus Saitama.

"What a dummy," Saitama added, "But this might do. Some seriously strong fighters could be here."

"Maybe," you replied as you both walked up to the table.

"What name did you register under?" The lady asked.

"Um... Charanko," Saitama replied.

"All right. Please write in your fighting style." The lady slid a paper in front of him.

"Fighting style? Uh... what was it, now?"
You just sighed.

After filling out the paper, Saitama went to 'Charanko's' waiting area, and you were there as well.

"This must be the tournamet bracket..." Saitama said, looking down at it. You glanced from over his shoulder. Then the door opened, and you left the room quickly, not wanting to witness the embarrassment that would surely ensue. You waited in the hallway, back pressed against the wall. You closed your eyes, seeing as there was no point in rushing. However, images of a large bug-like creature, plant monster, and Metal Bat flashed across your vision. Your eyes slowly opened again.

'Man... I just wanted to see people beat the shit out of each other.' You pushed off the wall and began to find the exit out of the arena.

When you got to the shopping district of City S, you stood on top of a roof to try and gauge the enemy. About a third of a mile away from you was a giant, bony centipede, along with a giant, sentient plant. Metal Bat was currently getting pummeled.

"Man, I have to do all the damn work around here." You jumped from the roof, landing in front of Metal Bat before Centisenpai's bony legs could hit him again. They froze a few inches from you, coated in a purple glow.

"Wh-what the--?"
You tore its legs off, sending green blood flying everywhere. Then, you proceeded to rip off the rest of its legs, leaving it as a worm. Before Centisenpai could retaliate, you threw him into a building where he crashed through it and into the ground. The plant thing released hypno particles that you breathed in, however, they didn't effect you.

"Foolish." Your eyes swirled purple, and the plant's golden eyes turned that same color. "Explode." The plant's body exploded in green blood. With that one taken care of, you grabbed Centisenpai and brought him back in front of you.

"Goodbye." You clenched your hand, and the entire monster cracked under itself, exploding in green blood and lumpy body parts. You turned to look at Metal Bat, who seemed sort of into it. "Oi, you fine?"

"Yeah, I think," he replied, "Still a little drowsy... also WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE--I COULD'VE DONE THIS MYSELF!" While he was rambling on, you turned back around.

'There's something else coming.'
The ground underneath you rumbled before cracking, and splitting.

'Here it comes.'
A monsterous sized centipede appeared, flying through the air. Threat level Dragon. You stared up at it, it's enormous body towering over the entire city.

"Hm," you hummed. "Doesn't seem so bad."

"Psychotica! It's here for those two! Don't let it get to them!" Metal Bat screeched. You turned to look at the two males sleeping on the ground.

'I didn't even notice them--'

"Then get them somewhere safe while I deal with this."
Two other heroes who appeared at some point gathered the two of them before running away. You noticed the way it looked at them. Then, its true face showed itself.

"You'll not escape!"

"It's charging!" Metal Bat yelled. Centichoro dove downwards towards you all.

'Man.' You held up your hand, eyes swirling purple. Centichoro was stopped by an invisible force. Not strong enough to pull him all the way down, but enough to if needed.

'Well he has a bit more oomph to him than others.' You thought. Enraged that he was stopped, Centichoro swung the back end of his body, revealing just how long he was. However, it moved too slow, because you stopped his entire body.

'I can't just slam him into the city--not everyone is evacuated yet. So the only place to go is up.' You launched from the ground, taking Centichoro up with you higher into the sky. You got face-to-face with him, leveling.

"Now, now," you said, eyes glowing a bright purple. "Care to tell me why you showed your face a second time?" You could feel Garou's presence not that many miles from you, but you couldn't focus on that. Centichoro only grunted in frustration.

"What's wrong?" You asked, tilting your head. "Are you not used to people controlling you? Isn't that a shame." You then had a brilliant idea.

"You know... you'd look absolutely wonderful as a bowtie."
The back end of Centichoro twisted upwards in a huge circle then going under the loop. Slowly, you twisted your wrist, and the loop was being pulled tighter and tighter.

"You have wonderful armor for it being bioorganic," you said in awe, seeing its own body struggle against itself. "But what happens when it turns against itself?"

"You... irksome insect!"

"Whewww," you whistled, "Strong words considering you're the bug in this situation." Centichoro's armor slowly began to crack, and fall apart. Small fragments of it falling off. You jerked your wrist in a half circle, and the tail finally broke, and snapped off in a jagged way. Green blood sprayed everywhere, and Centichoro groaned in pain. Before his tail could crash into the city, you kept it floating, moving it closer to you. 1/3 of his whole body was now ripped off.

"This impressive," you thought, "I wonder what would happen if this immensely durable armor becomes a weapon." A grin appeared on your face and you contorted his tail armor into a thick, smooth spike.

"You... insolent creature!"

"I'm a creature now?" You asked, "I'll take that." The armored spike then turned to face Centichoro. You weren't aiming for anything in particular--you just wanted to see what it'd do.

'There are more monsters appearing in different cities--but I really want to take my time with this one.'

"I hope you can feel pain--and if so, I hope you like it." The spike began to spin like a bullet before slowly creeping towards Centichoro. You could feel him fight against your control over him, but like everyone else, it was in vain. The tip of the spike slowly began to drill into his side, armor-on-armor. Sparks were the result of it.

"Let's amp up the speed, shall we?" You held out your hand, and the spike spun so fast it looked like it wasn't even spinning. You moved your arm back, and the spike followed. You then sharply moved your arm back, and the spike when plunging into his side. Centichoro gasped out in pain. You just grinned even wider at that. You flicked your fingers and the spike got cut in half. The point of the spike that was already inside the body was now on the move.

"There's no point in having tough armor if your insides are made of mush!" You exclaimed, the main spike sprouting smaller ones, so that he was getting shredded up from the inside. The spike moved along the length of his body. Centichoro tried to squirm, but he couldn't move much. "Goodbye!!" The spike drilled right through its humanoid face, along with his insides and blood, which showered over City S. You clenched your hand, and his limp body was crushed into infinity.

'Well that was fun.' You calmed down a little and looked around.

'Now, which one should I go for next?'

Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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