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In the middle of the day, you were in a deep sleep. Not much could disturb you. Except your own mind. In your dream, there was a flash image of something. Large face, long, sharp teeth. Green. Strong. After that, your eyes opened. You listened around, but didn't hear or sense Saitama or Genos. You rolled over to your back and looked up at the ceiling, eyes swirling a deep purple. A sea monster. Strongest in the rain. Looking to cause as much human carnage as possible. City J.

You sighed and sat up, rubbing the tiredness away.

'Man... I liked it so much better when I could sleep in peace before all this hero shit.' You quickly got dressed and ran out of the apartment, noticing that it was already raining.

'... shit.' You flew up into the air using your magic, zooming through the sky. Purple swirled through your eyes, and your surroundings glitched, changing every time. The purple died in your eyes, and in front of you was the evacuation shelter. Pursing your lips, the metal roofing collapsed, and caved in enough for you to pass through it. You looked around at all of the people.

"Look! It's Y/n!" A woman called. That's when all of their attention got drawn to you.

"It's a Class-S hero!"
"We're saved!"
"Do your best!"

You looked around. Everyone's attention was on you. You looked at the front of the shelter. Images of the sea monster breaking through flashed across your vision.

'I see.' You looked down, purple eyes swirling. Everyone's eyes also turned the same color.

"Move to the back." Right after you said that, everyone walked and pressed themselves against the opposite wall, leaving an entire half of the shelter free. You floated down to the floor and looked up.

'Any moment now.' You heard a muffled yell before the wall was kicked in. The debris and broken parts landed on the floor in front of you in a screen of dust and smoke. A large shadow fell over you.

You and the Sea King locked eyes.

"Goodbye." A pulse of psychic energy blasted the Sea King back from the hole he came from, and into the opposite buildings. You dropped the control on the people and ran out of the hole. You quickly put up the barrier around the shelter.

"Man... I don't like how more powerful monsters are showing up," you said, rubbing your head. "It makes it difficult to control the collateral damage."

'But that doesn't mean I can't have fun sometimes...'
When the Sea King stood up, with every intention of ripping you apart, that's when you grinned at him.

"Oh, I see," you said very loudly. "You're weak." There was a beat of silence that passed. The Sea King was utterly floored.


'Here it comes.'

"WHAT DID YOU SAY, YOU DAMNED APE!?!?!?" The Sea King launched at you, attempting to use his claws to tear you open. You just smirked.

'Checkmate.' You and him locked eyes, and he froze where he was--mere centimeters from you.

"Well, isn't this a predicament," you spoke, eyes taking on a bright glow. "It's fortunate you don't know how to control your emotions, otherwise I would've been sliced meat. Maybe." You held up your other hand and the rain that was falling on you two paused, but it was still falling outside of your perimeter.

"You lose a lot of power outside of water, right?" You asked, though you still knew the answer. The Sea King's body shook with the desperation of breaking your control over him. "If you need an outside factor to be strong, instead of being innately strong, then you're weak." You twisted your wrist, and the arm that was in front of your face also twisted before tearing off, and flying to the other side of the intersection.

"What's wrong?" You asked him. "You're shaking. Does it hurt that much? You can't regenerate like you usually do, so you're not used to pain." You flicked your finger to the right, and his left arm tore off from its shoulder, blood spraying into the air like a fountain. The Sea King's eyes were wide. No longer in anger or malice, but in agony and terror.

"I might as well enjoy what time I have left with you pathetic beings." There was a flash of purple before several blades of psychic energy portruded from his back. "You're mine to do with as I please." You moved your fingers in a 'come here' motion, and the blades all moved in different directions, tearing his body apart in a bloody mess. A flash of lightening struck down from the sky.


The next day, you, Saitama, and Genos went grocery shopping. On your way home, a large drone hovered in front of you.

"Hey, what's that?" Saitama asked.

"Looks like a drone from the association," you replied, "Mail, probably. They don't deliver here, so they gotta use drones." Said drone dropped the box on the sidewalk before flying away.

"The post office's drone?" Saitama asked.

"I just said it was from the association." Your brow twitched. You walked up to it and lifted the lid. Inside was dozens of envelopes.

"The public sends these to the heroes, much like fan letters," Genos explained to Saitama.

"Seriously? Are there any for me?" He asked, crouching down. You dug around a little, checking the names out on the back.

"Let's bring these inside."

As you three were sorting through the mail, Genos got a brunt of the pile. You had a nice size too.

I've had my eyes on you since you first became a hero! Not only are you beautiful, but you helped saved my town from getting destroyed! I love you, and thank you!'

'Hm...' You tossed the letter to your side and picked up another one.

'Hi Y/n!
     Your psychic abilities are super cool! I'd love to see you fight alongside Tornado of Terror some day! Thank you for your hard work!'
You furrowed your brows.

'Tornado of Terror?' You thought. You looked at the name, eyes swirling purple. Flash images of a short-statured woman clad in black with green hair whizzed by your vision.

'Tatsumaki, huh?' You gently placed the letter by your side.

"Sensei," Genos called, "This is from the association." He held out an envelope to you. You grabbed it from him and opened it.

Class S: Rank 8

Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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