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You threw minor things at Aarya, cars, signs, sewer lids, anything that would be quick. She avoided all of what you threw at her.

'She's avoiding?' You thought, staying high up into the air.

'If she can nullify my magic, why doesn't she do it all the time?' Wanting to test something, you picked up a car, and held it closer to you, acting like you were going to launch it at her. When you did, she raised her arm, and the car stopped right there, before crashing into the ground.

'She can't keep her powers at a consistent output--' You looked around. You moved into a slightly more residential area. You pulled off hundreds of shingles from the houses around you, and sharpened them.

'This shows she has to prepare, but if she can't keep up a consistent output, she'll be forced to move.' You sent the sharpened shingles at her. Right before they would stab right through her body, they changed directions, buzzing around her like bugs. You could see her lose some composure, spinning around aggressively to try and keep an eye on them.

'Can she only stop the things she's looking at?' You manipulated the shingles to a single point in front of her, the same time you silently pulled out a STOP sign from the ground. You launched the shingles at her, and like you expected, they dropped to the ground, useless. However, not even a second later, she was smashed over the head by the sign, sending her straight into the ground.

'The distract method will only work so long until she adapts to it. I need a better and quicker way to get rid of her.' You slowly floated back towards the ground, however, as soon as your foot touched the blacktop, she was in front of you.

"Finally decided to come down?"
It took you everything you had to avoid the punch, but barely. Avoiding and parrying her attacks took a quick toll on your muscles--which weren't used to fighting physically, without using your magic to help you.

'Wait... she's touching me right now--physically. If she could melt me and my power like she did to the blacktop, she would've tried to. She knows she has the phyiscal upperhand.' Your eyes widened in realization.

'I might tear my muscles apart, but damn, it'd be worth it.' You used your powers to launch you a good distance away from her, eyes glowing a bright purple. You then slowly closed them, exhaling deeply.

"What are you doing?" Aarya asked, "You don't have time to think!" She launched at you again, aiming her leg right at your head.

"Wrong." You raised your arm and caught her leg, gripping it tightly. Her body stumbled as she let out a gasp, but you held onto her tightly. "When you have unrestricted access to the mind, you have all the time in the world." You glared down at her, purple eyes burning holes into her soul.

"H-how...?" She stuttered out quietly. "You shouldn't be able to... keep up with me physically." You tightened your grip on her leg.

"Life's full of surprises, isn't it?" You grinned at her, the same cruelty you used with DO-S reappearing. "You're three centuries too young to beat me!" Using your unhindered strength, you quite literally, threw her over your head and into the blacktop, where a good sized Aarya hole was created. She glared up at you, clearly not expecting these turn of events.

"After a person dies, they have some activity of their brain left." You crushed her leg with your grip, hearing her cry out in pain. "Which means I have time after I kill you to see what your deal is."

"Wa-wait... pl-please--I'm sorry..." She whimpered out, tears and blood running down her face. You tilted your head at her.

"It's funny how everyone is sorry after picking a fight with someone. Almost like they didn't even think once of the consequences." You placed your foot on her other hip before moving your grip to her ankle. "Do me a favor and leave your mouth uncovered. I want to hear every sound you make clearly." You began to pull on her leg, and she squealed like a pig. The more force you put into it, the higher and louder her screaming became. Then, all at once, you ripped her leg apart, in a less-than-clean way. Aarya was helpless and at your mercy. You then grabbed her other ankle.

"No--no please--please! I'll do anything! Please, I'm sorry!"

"Hm... too late." You grinned at her, not deciding to take your time with that one. You ripped it clean off from the hip socket, and she roared in pain, the sound echoing through the air. "Oh, I should've probably made a barrier." You threw her leg to the side of the road and walked up higher, grabbing her arm. Swiftly, you broke it from her elbow before brutally twisting it off. You tossed it behind your shoulder before moving onto the next arm.

"Come on, I know you have more than that in you," you said as you held onto the other arm. "Don't be afraid to tear your vocal cords apart." You repeated the same action, and she screamed bloody murder. No doubt her voice was going raw.

"Now." You grabbed her throat, lifting her body in the air. She was a lot lighter than before. Some of her blood got onto you, but you didn't care much about that. "Any last words?" Her teeth ground together, every ounce of energy she had left was channeled into glaring at you.

"You'll...! Never belong...!"
Your expression dropped.

"Idiot," you said, "Who said I wanted to?" That cruel smile reappeared on your face, and you crushed her neck in your hand as easy as a coke can. There was a satisfying crack, blood pooling down your hand and dripping down your arm. You threw her body carelessly in a random direction. Your powers died down, and the strain in your body became obvious. However, you stayed standing.

'It's just muscle tearing from overexertion. I can speed up the healing.' You closed your eyes, the purple markings appearing around your eyes again. Your body began to steam slightly, and you could feel your muscles repairing themselves slowly.

'Good. I just have to keep up a steady output.' However, before you opened your eyes, images of a shack, along with several heroes, and Garou flashed across your vision.

'... goddammit.'

Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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