Taking Matter's into our own hands~ Dream

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Description: The dreamies find out Yuta has been getting bullied and put a stop it.
Extra: the dreamies and Yuta are the same age in this story


Yuta quickly wiped his tears as he came out from the bathroom. He tried to hide the bruises and cuts that his bully gave him, Jay.

Jay wasn't the typical bully. He wasn't known to be a bully. He was a sweet guy so no one would bat any eye.

He wouldn't just bully Yuta for no reason. There was a motive behind it. He was jealous.

Jealous that Yuta was the boyfriend of all seven of his crushes. Which were Mark, Renjun, Jeno, Haechan, Jaemin, Chenle, and Jisung.

He would beat Yuta claiming that they would dump after the saw how ugly he looked with bruises. The bullying has been going on for months and Yuta tried his best to hide his bruises by wearing a hoodie.

Yuta made his way quickly to the cafeteria, making sure his hood wouldn't fall off. When he saw his boyfriend's sitting at a table waiting for him, he quickly made his way towards the table.

Now his boyfriend's weren't gonna lie, they had noticed Yuta's strange behavior the past few months. But they decided not to comment on it not wanting to cause any conflict between them.

"Yuta! We were wondering if you wanted to go swimming after school?" Jaemin said cheerfully. Yuta visibly froze at the thought of swimming. That was just asking for them to find out. Yuta zoned out for a moment worrying the 7 guys in front of him.

"Baby?" Jeno said reaching his hand out to Yuta.

"Huh? Oh um well I think I'll pass. I have a lot of homework to catch up on." Yuta excused.

"Oh can we help? We'd love to help you! Maybe it'll be faster and then we can go swimming." Mark said smiling.

"Well um it's a project I'm working on and I don't want you guys to spend your freetime working with me." Yuta said trying excuse the situation. When the bell rang, notifying everyone that lunch was over Yuta got up instantly and bolted out the lunch room. The seven of them looked at each other confusingly.

"Guys I think something is going on that we don't know of." Jisung said as he looked at the exit of the cafeteria.

"You think he's seeing someone else?" Chenle said with glossy eyes, looking at others.

Renjun shook his head while he had a arms crossed. "No." He said as patted Chenle's head and sighed. "More like someone is hurting him. Did you guys see the way a panicked?" Renjun continued.

"For the past few months he's been acting like this. I remember I saw a few bruises on his arms and legs. He said it was from soccer but I don't think soccer ball would leave that many bruises. His cheek was also red." Haechan stated.

Mark sighed as ran his fingers through his hair. "Whatever it is, we should get to the bottom of it."

Eventually they found out what was happening. They confronted Yuta about it but he denied the whole thing. It didn't take long though until he broke down and finally admitted to it. He sobbed in Jeno's chest begging the seven of them to not do anything since it would escalate everything.

They wanted to refuse and end the entire thing but Yuta insisted. He promised all of them that he wouldn't let Jay touch him and avoid him. Deep inside all of them knew this wasn't going to end well but they just tried to sweep it under the rug.

Thankfully for the next few weeks Jay left Yuta alone since Yuta would avoid him. Yuta was relieved until one day he was shoved into the bathroom by a furious Jay.

"So you think you can fucking avoid me after telling your boyfriends?" Jay spat as he harshly pushed Yuta against him he wall.

" I-I'm sorry they j-just found out. I-I don't know how they found o-out." Yuta lied as tears welled up in his eyes. He hoped Jay would believe him and let him off. But Jay just scoffed .

"You think I'm gonna believe that?" Jay said as he pushed Yuta. Yuta backed up towards the wall until it hit his back.

"I-I'm sorry." Yuta said as tears fell from his eyes, he put his arms in front of his face to attempt to protect himself. Jay didn't even listen and started to beat Yuta.

Mark, Renjun, Jeno, Haechan, Jaemin, Chenle, and Jisung were worriedly waiting for Yuta. One of Yuta's close friends, Johnny passed by and went up to the seven of them.

"Hey not to stress you guys out. But I saw Jay push Yuta into the bathroom on my way here. I would go check on him if I were you. Just thought I'd let you know." Johnny said. He was well aware on what was happening with Yuta. The seven of them didn't hesitate to run out of the cafeteria and towards the bathroom.

Yuta's body ached. His nose was bleeding and was pretty sure he was gonna be dead once someone finds him. Jay was about to punch Yuta once more to knock him out but freezes once the door slams open revealing Yuta's boyfriends. Renjun was the first one to run up to Jay and punch him in the jaw, fazing Jay.

Renjun was one of the shortest among them but he did know how to throw a punch. Renjun keep punching Jay as the rest ran towards Yuta making sure he was okay. Jisung got paper towels and put water on some of them to clean up Yuta's nose. Jeno cradled Yuta on his lap, hugging him tightly. Haechan gave him his jacket to cover him. Chenle held Yuta's hand and Jaemin was brushing his hair with his fingers, trying to calm him down.

Renjun was beating the shit out of Jay with no mercy. Renjun could be in big trouble but he didn't care, he hurt someone who he cared about most and wasn't gonna go easy on him.

It was about until Jay going in and out of consciousness before Mark had to pull Renjun back. Renjun was still furious but decided to stop. They all got up to head outside the bathroom but there was a crowd outside the doorway so it made it hard to get out. Renjun getting frustrated pushed everyone who was in their way aside.

They decided to go to Jaemin's house since it was closest, and once they arrived they quickly hurried inside the house. Jeno laid Yuta on the couch making sure he was still conscious.

Luckily he was, and he looked away from everyone's gaze. He started to cry and sob uncontrollably. "I'm sorry..." Yuta managed to whisper. Everyone's heart broke. He wasn't the one who needed to apologize. Chenle kneeled down to Yuta's level and kissed his forehead.

"Baby. Please don't apologize. You're not the one who should be sorry." Chenle said softly.

"I broke the promise..." Yuta said.

"It's not your fault bubs. You couldn't control what he did to you." Haechan said as he joined Chenle.

After a few minutes of reassuring Yuta, he finally felt better.

"But what about junnie?" Yuta said softly. Renjun smiled at the nickname. "Don't worry about Junnie baby. He'll deal with it himself." Yuta nodded.

"Bubba, make sure you tell us something next time hm?" Jisung said. "Yeah so I can't beat their ass okay?" Renjun said which made Yuta giggle.

"Okay Yuyu promise!" Yuta said making everyone smile. For the remainder of the day they all cuddled their boyfriend and gave all the affection.

Request by: @Jongsangforlife
A/N: I just got the sudden urge to finish this chapter. Sorry it took me a while! I've been feeling very unmotivated. It hasbeen at least a month so I owe it to you all. Anyways! Hope you guys enjoyed! I know this probably sucked.

Requests are open!

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