Not approved~ Jeno

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Description: Jeno and Yuta are secretly dating however, fans don't approve

Jeno and Yuta had an amazing relationship. Everything would be lying if they said they weren't. Korea is a very conservative country and Jeno and Yuta were aware of that if they ever got caught. Telling the members, their family, or the company wasn't the problem, it was telling the fans.

They knew if fans found out that they would get so much backlash, to the point where it might ruin their relationship.

They have been close to getting caught too many times. It was even more suspicious that Yuta and Jeno were seen out in public being touchy. Nothing was helping their case.

Yuta sighed out loud as he made his way onto Jeno's lap, Jeno immediately wrapping his arms around Yuta.

"What's wrong my love?" Jeno asked as he smiled at Yuta's pout, kissing his cheek. Yuta was still pouting.

"I'm scared Jeno, fans have been catching on, I can't even go on Twitter without reading comments about fans speculating about us." Yuta said as he played with Jeno's hands.

"Yu, we're gonna be fine I promise. Let me help you take things off your mind." Jeno said kissing Yuta's ear.

"Like what?" Yuta said brightly. Jeno chuckled at his boyfriend's cuteness, although Yuta was older, he was adorable and acted like the younger.

"Where do you wanna go baby?" Jeno asked.

Yuta thought for a bit and answered "A walk sounds nice."

"I know the perfect spot." Jeno said as smiled.
"The sky looks beautiful." Yuta said looking up.

"Not as beautiful as you." Jeno replied.

Yuta looked at Jeno and hit his chest. "Stop being cheesy." Jeno laughed it off.

Jeno pulled Yuta In for a kiss, it was passionate and long. Yuta finally pulled away looking around as he felt someone was watching.

"What happened Yu?" Jeno asked.

"I don't know I feel like something is watching." Yuta said look around. Jeno chuckled

"Baby it's probably just a cat."

Yuta just nodded and pecked Jeno on the lips.
The next morning Jeno was woken up by his door being slammed opened, showing a concerned Renjun.

"Jeno, you've got to see this." Renjun said making his way towards Jeno, showing him his screen. Jeno's mouth flew open when he saw what was on his screen.

A clear picture of him and Yuta kissing last night.

"Fuck." He swore as he rushed out of bed grabbing his phone and his shoe. He told Renjun he'd be back and rushed towards the 127 dorms

He knocked loudly and answered a very confused Taeil.

"Is Yuta here?" Jeno said quicky.

"He's in his room." Taeil said furrowing his eyebrows, leaving space for Jeno to pass.

Jeno quickly made his way towards Yuta's room, and opened the door without knocking. The room revealed Yuta playing games on his phone.

"Jeno?" Yuta smiled as he made room for his boyfriend on his bed. Jeno sat on the bed showing him the photo Renjun showed him that morning. Yuta's eyes widened as he looked at the phone then at Jeno and back at the phone.


The couple read through the comments, they were lots of mixed feelings.

"This is disgusting!! Men shouldn't fall in love with each other!!"

"I knew Yuta had to have been gay but not Jeno!! How could you betray us like that :("

"This is not how you influence your fans! SM needs to something about this immediately."

"You can't help who you love! Leave them alone!!!"

"They're so cute together! You guys are just delusional!"

Their hearts shattered at every comment they read. Yuta's eyes started to tear up and he let our soft sobs. Jeno immediately pulled Yuta in for a hug and kisses him.

"Baby who cares what they think, the only important thing is that we love each other and we're happy okay?" Jeno said caressing Yuta's face.

Yuta nodded wiping his tears as Jeno leaned in.

"I'm never leaving you Yu okay?"

"You promise?" Yuta said as more tears fell out.

"I promise."


A few weeks have gone by and the backlash has gotten worse. Both of them has to up their amount of security, their dms, comments filled with death threats. They couldn't even go out in public without their names being shouted, followed by swears, and slurs, along hateful words.

They reassured each other every day that they would work it out but day by day they were slowly losing hope. They loved each other but was it worth getting harassed and ruining the groups image?

Jeno groaned, pulling his hair as he leaned back on his bed. He threw phone beside him and closed his eyes, all in frustration.

It was either now or never.

He got up and made his way towards the 127 dorms, he knocked and Jungwoo answered. He made room for Jeno, and Jeno went up to Yuta's room to knock.

"Come in!" Yuta yelled from the other side. Jeno saw a bright Yuta, flashing his adorable healing smile. Jeno grinned and sit on the edge of the bed. He waited a moment before speaking and cleared his throat.

"Yu, I've been thinking and I really think we should end it here." Jeno said looking down, fidgeting with his hands.

Yuta's smiled dropped as tears began to well in his eyes. "W-what? Why?!" He sobbed out

"I love you Yuta. I love you a lot but my dream has always been to become an idol, I don't want throw that all away for me, for you, or any of the other members. We're at risk right now and I don't want one of us to lose our lives because of our relationship."

Yuta just started blankly at Jeno, as tears streamed from his eyes. Jeno looked at Yuta and brought him in for one last passionate kiss.

"This isn't goodbye because we will see each other, but goodbye to us, I love you so so much Yu, forever and always." Jeno said as he cupped Yuta's face. Yuta couldn't form his words together, he wanted to beg Jeno to stay but once Jeno made a decision there was no convincing him. He just closed his eyes as he leaned his face in Jeno's hands.

"I love you so much to Jeno." Yuta finally spoke out. Jeno gave Yuta one last kiss and turned around to leave as he stopped in the door way.

"Take care of yourself for me, Yu." Yuta nodded.

"You too jeno." Yuta said shakily.

Jeno gave him one last smile before he walked off slowly. Once he heard the front door close he was a mess.

He couldn't fathom the future with Jeno. He wanted to hold on. But what hurt him the most was that Jeno lied to him.

A/N: omgggg I'm backkkk!! Everytime I say I'm back I disappear. This time I'm gonna try to stay and update as much as I can but no promises! So excited to share new stories!
Requests are open!!<3

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