You're a Little?~Jungwoo

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Description: Jungwoo finds out Yuta is a little


Jungwoo and Yuta were not only roommates, they were also best friends. He thought he knew everything about Yuta. He could name his birthday, the time he was born, his shoe, size anything you could think of. Expect one thing. He never knew Yuta was a little.

It wasn't often that Yuta would age regress. He tried to do it at night or whenever he was home alone. He thought he was pretty good at hiding it. He had never slipped into little space around Jungwoo or anyone, expect for today.

Yuta and Jungwoo were out for a night walk. And Yuta was feeling very little. But he knew he could hold it until he got home and Jungwoo went to bed.

Jungwoo noticed Yuta's eyes and how they had a child like feel to them, and he saw his pout but he just thought he was tired. On their way home they stopped at a convenience store for night snack.

"Woo look at dis!" Yuta said in his little voice.

Jungwoo raised his eyebrow in confusion. He's never heard that nickname before or that tone. As soon as Yuta saw the confusion on Jungwoo's face he widened his eyes. And be cleared his throat.

"Sorry, i um don't know where that came from. Can I get this?" Yuta asked, his voice tight.

Jungwoo just chuckled at his friends and nodded his head before getting his own choice of snacks and heading towards the cashier.

Jungwoo paid for both of them and they both headed out, the bag in Yuta's hands. And they started towards their shared apartment.

As soon as they got inside their apartment Yuta took out his snacks of the bag and ran towards his room. Jungwoo was confused on how the male was as acting. But he brushed it off and went up to his room.

When Yuta got up into his room he took out all his little space necessities. And laid out on the floor. He finally felt at peace. He giggled to himself as he remembered his day, sucking on his pacifier.  He turned on his lamp and put some blankets down and brought out his coloring books. And he changed into some pjs that he would normally wear if he was a little.

An hour had passed and Jungwoo spent it trying to figure out why Yuta had been acting the way he had. He sighed as rubbed his face and got up from his bed and went towards Yuta's room.

He saw that his door was closed which was weird since Yuta normally never had his door closed unless he was studying or on a call.

He waited in front of the door trying to listen in. He heard babbles coming from inside. He furrowed his eyebrows together. Did Yuta have a baby? He thought. He shook his head shaking off the idea. But the thought came back. That explains the tone he used earlier. He then heard giggles continuing with babbles spilling out.

"Mr. Teddy! Wook at what Yuyu can do!" Yuta said after following with a thump and giggles.

Jungwoo stood there in confusion. Who is Yuyu? Mr. Teddy? Yuta definitely had a kid. Jungwoo thought. He thought about leaving him alone but he wanted more answers.

Jungwoo twisted the knob of the door revealing Yuta's room. His eyes widened as he saw the room. His eyes traveled around the room. The floor had blankets that were kiddish with coloring books, crayons all over the floor. A teddy bear which he assumed was Mr. Teddy. And then his eyes finally met with Yuta's. His eyes wide and pacifier still his mouth.

"Yuta?" Jungwoo said still confused. "What is all this?"

Yuta looked everywhere except Jungwoo's eyes and Jungwoo started to walk towards him. Jungwoo bent down to Yuta's level grabbing his face so he can look at him.

Yuta looked up as his eyes still had that childish glimpse with tears in his eyes. His pacifier dropped as he started cry.

Jungwoo panicked not knowing what to do. He looked around trying to find clues and things to help him.

"No no don't cry um come here." Jungwoo said as he brought Yuta in his embrace wrapping him in a blanket that was nearby. Jungwoo rub Yuta's head and comforted him until he stopped crying.

Eventually Yuta stopped crying as only sniffles were now only being heard. They eventually stopped. Yuta looked up Jungwoo and giggled.

Jungwoo looked down confused. Did that come from him?

"Yuta? How do I ask this. Um what is all this?" Jungwoo asked playing with Yuta's hair.

"Yuyu wittle!" Yuta said with a pout.

"Little?" Jungwoo thought out loud.

Yuta nodded. "Yuyu in wittle space!" Jungwoo pulled out his phone and typed in the definition of little space. It all made sense. Yuta just age regressed and makes him talk, act, and think like a child.

"Is Yuyu your little name?" Jungwoo asked as Yuta nodded shyly.

"Yuyu need care taker...can Woo be Yuyu caretaker?" Yuta asked. Jungwoo nodded and Yuta giggled. For the rest of the night Jungwoo and the little played until Yuta fell asleep.

It definitely was going to take time to get used to but Jungwoo was willing to adapt to make the little happy.

A/N: IM FINALLY BACK YALL. I wanted right something today for you guys I've been wanting to write on here for a while but I haven't had the energy to and I've just had writers block. I decided to play it safe and write a little one shot because that's what I'm used to. Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed I'm a little rusty so this could've been crappy. Until next time!

Requests are open! <3

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