Not approved pt. 2~ Jeno

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Description: Jeno and Yuta's relationship is broken apart by toxic fans because of their relationship, are they able re-kindle it?

Not long after their breakup was full group activities, which could've been unfortunate but they also wanted to see each other even if it was under the circumstances they were currently are under.

They were both currently filming a video, answering fan's questions along with Jungwoo and Johnny. Yuta and Jeno were both seated in the middle, with Jungwoo on the other side of Jeno and Johnny on the other side Yuta.

"What is your favorite feature on the person next to you?" Jungwoo read on the card. They all began to giggle.

"That's really hard...I'm not sure" Johnny said with a laugh.

"I think I know" Jungwoo said raising his hand. "I think I like Jeno's eyes"

Jeno began laugh. "Interesting" he paused looking at Yuta "I think my favorite feature on Yuta is his smile. It's really bright"

Yuta felt his face heat up, taken aback. He flashed his smile, giving Jeno a thumbs up, turning to Johnny.

"My favorite feature on Johnny is his abs." Yuta said trying to hold back his giggle, as the others began to laugh.

They wrapped up their video, heading to the vans that waited for them outside to take them to the Korean bbq restaurant.

The ride was silent and awkward between to two, as the other members around them were lively, not taking notice of the tension.

They arrived to the restaurant as the members rushed in to pick their seats, leaving two empty spots for Yuta and Jeno.

'Of course' Yuta thought, it was like universe enjoyed the awkwardness between the both of them, it was no winning today for the both of them.

During the dinner, it was still kind of awkward, the occasional words to pass down condiments, or meat, or asking if they wanted more.

Jeno reached for some vegetables that was being handed to him across from him by Yang Yang, his elbow nudging Yuta's bowl of broth onto Yuta's lap. Yuta winced when the hot steamy liquid hit his skin.

Jeno's eyes widened. "H-hyung are you okay?" Gaining attention from some of the members around them.

"Y-yeah I'm okay.." Yuta said quietly, picking up his bowl, putting it onto the table.

Jeno quickly reached for all the napkins he could find around him, drying off Yuta's pants.

"I'm so so sorry.." Jeno apologized quickly

"It's fine. It's fine" Yuta muttered

"No it's not." Jeno said firmly. "I was stupid and wasn't paying attention."

The dinner came to an end, the members splitting up to do things with one another, taking in the night together.

Yuta told the members he was too tired to do anything and he was just gonna head back to the dorms.

The members bid him goodbye and he started toward the dorms.

A few seconds into his journey back to the dorms he heard, footsteps running.

He turned his head to see Jeno next to him, and his eyes went wide.

"O-oh Jeno!" Yuta said putting his hands into his pockets. "You're not going to go with the other members?"

Jeno shook his head "They're probably going to go bowling or something. Plus it's late and walking home alone isn't the smartest choice on your part"

Yuta let out a small scoff, continuing to walk beside each other.

The walk was quiet, but this time not awkward, it was comfortable was they took in the night sky and the bustling city around them.

They arrived to the 127 dorms, Yuta opening the door. And Jeno turned to walk away.

" don't wanna come in?" Yuta asked.

Jeno hesitated for a moment before nodding, following Yuta.

They both went inside of Yuta's room, sitting in the bed.

This silence was now awkward, it only being them two.

"I know it hasn't been that long since we've broke up.." Jeno started. "But I miss you, Yu." Yuta turned to look at him, a sad smile on his lips.

"There is not a day that goes by where you're not in my mind." Jeno admitted.

"Why don't we just say fuck the media...they're always gonna talk, but we belong together, Yu." Jeno said reaching to cup Yuta's cheek.

Yuta was at lost for words. "But Jeno...I don't want fans to hate us more than they already do"

"Our real fans would support us no matter what who we love, and I love you, Yuta." Jeno said leaning in. "That will never change." He kissed Yuta's nose.

Tears began to well in Yuta's eyes. "Don't cry." Jeno said, his thumb rubbing his cheek.

"I want to be happy with you Jeno." Yuta said as a tear slipped out of his eye.

Jeno wiped it with his thumb gently. "I do too. So what do you say? You want to give us a try again?"

Yuta smiled and nodded, as he sniffled. "I do."

Jeno smiled, pecking Yuta's lips, embracing him, laying down and bringing Yuta with him.

"I love you so much, Yu."

"I love you too Jeno"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23 ⏰

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