Gimme more~ Hendery

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Yuta wants more than to be friends with benefits with Hendery.
*warning: slight mature content ahead*


Yuta gazed at Hendery laying next to him. He loves laying next to his best friend but not in this context.

He wishes he could lay next to Hendery being his partner. Not just his friend with benefits. He wanted something there.

Hendery wouldn't admit it either but he had feelings for Yuta. He has been delaying asking Yuta to be his, yes Yuta was very attractive but he wanted Yuta because he was Yuta.

They both thought that they would let fate run its course and let what happens, happen.

But it didn't make it any much easier that they roommates.

Hendery turns towards Yuta and grins.

"Yu, you're staring again." Hendery says while chuckling. Yuta quickly averts his eyes towards the ceiling.

Hendery laughs at the male. "Don't be shy bubs." He says while kissing Yuta's neck.

Yuta giggles at the sudden touch. He loved the way Hendery kissed him.

Granted, he's been kissed and touched by many people, but Hendery made him feel different.

"Hendery it tickles." Yuta laughed as Hendery moved from his neck to peck his lips. Hendery pulls himself up from the bed.

"I'll be back Yu, I need to run some errands really quick. Do you need anything?" Yuta shakes his head in reply as Hendery exits the room to leave.

He sighed into the bed. When will he realize I've wanted him for so long.

He turned himself over on his back and stared at the ceiling.

He just wanted to confess to him already, the anticipation was eating him up alive.

As much as he wanted to confess, he was scared of rejection. He told himself over and over again that the worse that can happen is that he said no. But he didn't want to ruin what they already had.

He rubbed his eye's frustratingly, before getting up.

He couldn't contain being in that room left with his thoughts any longer. He thought to himself that he really needed drink.

He sighed once more before getting his keys heading out the door.

Hendery opened the door to the shared apartment. He was to confused to see that it was dark.

"Yuta?" Hendery called out but got no answer

He probably went out. He thought to himself before laying down on the couch in the living area.

An hour went by and still no sign of Yuta. His texts or calls weren't going through but he still decided to wait it out.

He started get anxious until he heard a loud knock on the door.

He quickly got up, practically running to the door. He opened the door seeing Yuta looking somewhat sluggish, and reeked of alcohol.

"Yu? Are you drunk?"

Yuta didn't say anything and tried to walk but stumbled, thankfully Hendery held onto him.

"Yuta what the hell were you thinking?!" Hendery said, raising his voice. He grabbed Yuta by the waist pulling him inside, shutting the door harshly behind them. "Do you have any idea what could've happened to you while you were out there alone, especially in this drunk state."

Yuta blankly stared at Hendery before speaking up. "Oh it's not like you care." Yuta slurred.

Hendery raised a brow in confusion, but rolled his eyes, he was so angry that Yuta would be so stupid.

Hendery brought Yuta to the living room, setting him on the couch, not in the most gentle way, but still trying to be careful with him.

Yuta pouted at the way he was set down in the couch and looked up at Hendery, who had his arms crossed, eyes full of anger.

"What the actual hell were you thinking Yuta. Why would you just go out, without a warning, and turn off your phone so I couldn't call or text you." Hendery said harshly.

Yuta just shrugged. This made Hendery angrier.

"How did you even get home." Hendery spat.

"I walked." Yuta said bluntly, still slurring a bit. Hendery threw his hands up in frustration, pacing a few times before turning back to Yuta.

"Why didn't you call me." Hendery said. Yuta shrugged again.

Hendery sighed loudly and threw himself onto the couch next to Yuta, giving up on talking to him.

Hendery closed his eyes in frustration and threw his head back. Yuta stared at him for a few seconds before laying his head on Hendery's shoulder.

Hendery was about to shove Yuta off but he was taken aback when he heard Yuta mumble something but clear enough for Hendery to understand what he said.

"Why can't you just see how much love you." Hendery's eyes widened at his words, a warm feeling rushing throw his body. He tried to shrug off the feeling, he was drunk, Hendery thought to himself.

Yuta whined with the lack of acknowledgement to his comment. "Hendery~" he slurred out, lifting his head to make eye contact with Hendery. Yuta in leaned closer to Hendery, so close that Hendery could smell the alcohol on his breath.

They felt themselves naturally get closer to each other, as their lips pressed against one another's softly.

The gentle kiss turned into a more passionate one, Hendery slowly sucking on Yuta's bottom lips, then gently biting down on it.

Hendery moved his hands to Yuta's waist, pulling him on top of his lap.

After a few seconds Hendery pulled back, looking into his eyes.

"You know I'm still kind of upset with you." Hendery teased.

Yuta giggled in response, as the interaction sobered him up a bit. "I meant what I said Hendery...I really really did."

Hendery flashed a smile, caressing his cheek gently. "We'll talk about it in the morning"

After that day Hendery and Yuta were inseparable, happy in the longing love.

A/N: look who updated anyways sorry for the short ending, and short story, I had this in my drafts for a year since I last updated and I don't know I didn't really vibe the storyline, anyways! I just wanted to get something out as I'm working on some new stores for this, and working on a new book!

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