Chapter 25

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Hunter was a spy. Hunter, my sister's soulmate, had spied on us for Chris. Luke growled and lunged at him, only to be stopped by Cole. Lauren got in front of Hunter and transformed her figure into me. Luke stopped struggling against Cole a bit, unable to harm anyone that resembles me. Hunter looked desperate to diffuse the situation.

"Luke, calm down. I'm sure there's a perfectly good reason for everything." Luke shook his head at my reasoning.

"Anna there is no excuse for putting you anywhere near danger. And that includes snitching on you for a damn vampire." I opened my mouth to argue against him, but there really wasn't anything going for the guy, so I closed it again. Trying a different approach, I carefully got up, but the pain in my chest had me double over. In a flash Luke was by my side and holding me close to him. He was still shaking with anger, but I knew he wouldn't hurt Hunter anymore, not as long as I needed his help.

Why would he do this? The question kept going around and around in my head. I needed some answers, now.

"Hunter, why?" I spoke softly, but I was sure he could hear me. He looked down at the ground, ashamed. Mumbling something too quiet for me to hear, I watched as everyone with super hearing gasp and look at him in horror. Emma and I looked around, surprised at how such at statement could emit such a response. I turned to Luke with a questioning look.

"He said that Chris bought him." Bought him? As in slavery? Wasn't slavery abolished in the 1800's? I turned to Hunter with a sympathetic gaze. Lauren transformed back into herself and hugged him hard, which he returned eagerly.

"Wait, that doesn't explain much, how am I able to get bruises through dreams?" Hunter's expression turned grim.

"Chris has many powers, it comes with the territory of being a royal, but one of them is a new power, never before seen in the supernatural world. Recently its been called Psionic Manipulation, which basically means that he can enter a person's mind and cause them pain, to what extend I have no idea, but he's practiced on me so I know what it feels like."

Cole, being the insensitive bastard that he is, decided to try and lighten the situation, "So what does it feel like, getting mind raped?" Every one groaned, even Emma who punched him lightly on the arm, "This is not a time for joking Cole" She said seriously to him. I was getting worried about Luke, who had been silently gazing at me through the whole conversation.

"So you were sent here? To do what exactly?" I said trying to get back on topic.

"Spy on you, learn the weaknesses, basically find a way for him to snatch you without him getting his hands dirty. But as soon as I saw Lauren all my orders went away, its weird normally I have this constant pull to where ever he is, thats part of the whole master-slave thing, but now I only feel a pull toward Lauren. The connection is broken and I'm thankful, I'm never going back there, well that is unless I get to kill that bastard." Luke piped up at this.

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