Chapter 28

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The final chapter!!  Anyways, I WILL be doing a sequal to this story with Emma and Cole's story. It'll also have a bit of Anna and Luke in it. Thank you to all my loyal fans who stuck with me through this story and I'm so excited to be able to check my first story off as completed!!


"Are you sure you don't want to let the doctor take one last look at you sweetie?" I said as I watched anxiously as Anna stood slowly from the bed. My hands were out and ready to catch her if she so much as stumbled. She sighed, shaking her head as she took one of my outstretched hand.

"If I get one more needle poked into me I'm going to seriously injure someone." I chuckled at her, even when she was tired and cranky she was adorable. I took in my hand the two suitcases I had brought so she would have everything she needed for the two days she was here.

She thought i had been ridiculous when she opened one bag and saw all her favorite books, electronics, and all the necessities she would've needed for a month. I just wanted her to not be board and have everything she needed. I might have gone overboard a tad. 

"Okay I was just making sure. I had Hunter bring the car around front for us, he and Lauren decided to run home and just meet us there." 

"What about Hannah and Emma? How are they doing? I noticed neither of them came to see me, and nobody has said a word about them to me." I ran my hand through my hair, I didn't want to unnecessarily stress her out. 

"Hannah is fitting in perfectly at home with the pups. She's quite the little joker. Everyone absolutely adores her."

We reached the front doors and I opened them for Anna. Once outside we made our way to our Jeep and climbed in. It wouldn't take that long to get to the house and I was praying that the guys had taken care of the mess, seeing as I had spent the last two day practically living in the hospital beside Anna.

You see, as we had attacked Chris' house, he must have known we were coming because he sent a group of about 5 vampires to attack our house. Two are dead and one was captured alive; thanks to Lauren. The last two escaped with a struggling Emma with them.

The worst part was that we had found blood, Emma's blood. They dragged her out to the wooded area, and we haven't been able to find her since. Cole has spent every waking hour prowling the woods trying to find some sign of her. Lately I've had to have people drag him inside the house to eat but all he dose is nibble at whatever was given to him and take back off. I don't blame him either. 

Anna had sat quietly through the first half of the car ride just watching me. It was hard to concentrate on the road when I could feel her gaze on me, and all i wanted to do was look back into her eyes and get lost in them.

"Emma?" She asked quietly. I could hear she was holding back tears. So I pulled over on the side of the rode, reached over and pulled her into my lap, letting her cry on my shoulder. I knew there was nothing I could do besides hold her and comfort her and the helplessness was killing me. 

"Wha-What happened?" I kept stroking her hair.

"Chris had sent a group over to attack while we were away. Lauren killed two, and captured one. The other two took Emma and ran." I left out the bloody details praying that the house had been picked up since then. I rested my hands over her stomach, where two of my childern were currently growing according to the doctor.

Pride swelled in me knowing that this goddess was carrying my pups.  Anna sniffled again which snapped me out of my happy place. Mentally slapping  myself I quickly assured her. "We're doing everything we can, love, to find her. I swear to you we will find her."

And I would. With her still in my lap I pulled back over to the road and drove the rest of the way to the house. As gently as I could I carried her up to our room and laid her down. I pulled her close to me and wrapped my arms protectivly around her stomach. 

Now I had three things to protect my life with.

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