Chapter 9

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As soon as Cole said that; Matt turned wolf again and attacked Cole. Which caused Cole to turn wolf and defend himself, so now they where fighting again.

The thing about Matt; he always has to get what he wants. He's delusional like that. Anyways i was getting tired of the whole thing so i went wolf and growled a low, but threating noise. I layed my apla blood into it so they heared it and imediatly went the other way so as not to face my fury.

i turned around anxious to get back to Anna. I went up to my room and layed down to sleep and had the best dream of my life.

I dreamed of holding my Anna the entire night...

--the next day (friday)--

Anna's POV

I walked into homeroom with an anxious feeling, like i was waiting for something, or maybe someone. I knew who it was but I could never admit it...


Speak of the devil!! Here he comes strolling in with a smile that made that anxiousness okay. He paused at the door, his gaze locked on mine with such tenderness and love that i havent seen since Him.

Ugh! why did he have me dig up all the feelings I thought i had buried when chris decided i wasn't worth holding as much Sasha was. Chris, oh no here comes the pain of that night when i found him and Sasha togeather.

It always left me crying and breathless which was okay when i was alone but here infront of the class and especially Luke and Sasha? Not so fun.

I doubled over and let the tears fall silently, thankfully i was in the back so no one saw. But of course Luke saw and rushed over making everyones heads turn to me.

Wow and if this is'nt an embarassing enough picture for you ill add on to it. Luke sat down and pulled me onto his lap and started stroking my hair. Want more? thought so, i looked up and saw Sasha's murderous expression when she growled.

Wait growled? I didnt think about it to long because Lukes angelic voice filled my ears.

"Anna are you okay? Tell me what to do to make the pain go away" He said quietly only to me. I looked up into his eyes and all the bad emotions and memories went away, and i only felt his love for me.

How is this person who i only met yesterday make me feel as if i've known him forever, and make me want to hold him and love him? Maybe i deserve this love of Luke's, but then again i thought that I deserved Chis's love and he turned around and threw it in my face.

Oh my cow

This is just to much to deal with; Luke, Chris, Sahsa, Luke. Oh did I mention Luke?

I jumped up off of Lukes lap like he burned me and i'm pretty sure he could've kept me there if he wasnt so shocked. I saw Sasha's victorious gaze as i turned to the teacher and quickly said,

"I'm sorry i just need some fresh air" I raced out of the room.

I was only vaugely aware of someone following me.

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