Chapter 22

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"La-Lauren?" I asked again, my voice shaky. The only response I got from her was a smirk and cold lifeless eyes.

"I know, total surprise right? You never saw this coming. Who would though? You were, after all the one who pulled the trigger." If it was possible, my mouth dropped ever further. Instantly I felt anger, anger towards her and towards her accusation.

"I was the one who pulled the trigger? What the hell are you talking about? Do you want to know what really happened that day? That man came into the bank already high on drugs seeing double. He came at me with a gun and you saved me! You pushed him back and wrestled with him and then out of nowhere the gun went off and you laid there dead and he was unconscious! I tried to help you but you were already gone." My tears were flowing now as I yelled at my sister. She wasn't there every night I stayed up and had to listen to my parents cry over their first-born daughter who was gone forever in their lives.

The memory of that night came to me

Lauren and I walking into a bank, eating an ice cream we had gotten down the street when I spill my treat on my shirt. Laughter is shared before I stand’s up to collect a napkin from one of the cashier, hearing the bells chime announcing another persons arrival. Still at the cashier I dabbed at my shirt oblivious to the world before a hand roughly grabs me and I feel a barrel pressed to my forehead. I'm scared, I don't know what’s going on before I find my sisters horrified eyes.


"Everyone take off any valuable, wallets, watches, and purses. If anyone tries to make a move a bullet is goin in this pretty girls brain." A mans voice fills my ear and I almost feint from my heart pounding so hard. I hear the sounds of people empting their pockets and taking off jewelry. I close my eyes and pray hard, wishing this was all just a nightmare. Opening my eyes, they locked with Laurens' who was silently crying. She opend her mouth to try and plead with the robbers.


"Please that’s my little sister you have, just let me take her place, please" I hear the man laugh, that noise will always be in my nightmares.


"I don't care about your family ties, but seeing as she holds a spot inside your heart I may take her with me and let her holds a bit of me inside her too if you know what I mean."


Laurens face showed discust, hurling herself at the man and me screaming,"You Monster!" The gun goes off and I fall to the ground, stunned and confused on what just happened, Was I dead? No I wasn't, unless being dead was exactly like being alive. Screaming from other civilians wakes me up and I see my sister lying on the ground clutching her side gasping for air. I crawled over to her and took her bloody hand in mine. She looks at me and whispers, "Run" before going limp. Tears are falling down my face as I take in the man shakily getting up and going for his gun again. Stumbling I race for the door, fulfilling my dead sister last wish.

"You were alive all that time and you never came home? I tried to help you that one night, I wasn't the one behind the gun."

I watched my sister as her eyes clouded over, and she was in deep thought. After awhile she straightened and the weirdest expression came over her face.

"Anna? Is that you? Ple-please help me!" She looked so scared and helpless I reached out towards her. She lunged at me and tackled me in a hug.

"I remember! I remember everything now! It was so cloudy before and I could only feel hatred for you, It was so over powering it all began when I met Mikah. He made me believe that you killed me, but I never could focus enough to distinguish everything... I was- am- so confused about all this." I could see she really meant it and tightened my arms around her.

"Its okay, the past is the past but uh- so you think you can get us out of here?" I looked around and saw Emma respectfully letting us reunite. "Oh- this is my best friend Emma" Lauren smiled.

"I know who you are sweets cause I've been stalking you for about a week now, but its nice to formally meet you Emma and I’m sorry about Mikah messing with your head." Emma looked astonished at Laurens outrightedness and I laughed, at least one this hasn't changed about herself.

"So Lauren, How do we get out of here?" I asked

"Well we're going to hav-"

"Isn't this just a pleasant scene? A family reunion and escape meeting all rolled into one." Said a chilling voice in the corner. I felt Lauren and Emma tremble and look away, that only fueled my underlying anger that I had kept ever since arriving here. I stood up a defiantly faced him.

" You come closer to my sister or my friend and I'll kill you." My voice matched the fury I was feeling and the man that had come in took a step back.

"Anna I assume? Did you like my little stunt I pulled with you and your boy toy? I quite enjoyed it as a matter of fact I think it was my best performance, you see I don't play the broken hearted teenage girl very well but you seemed to have known what to do once I gave your mind some slack, took my influence away from it. Your boyfriend- Luke I think it is?- seemed convinced of my act."

I narrowed my eyes at him, he was the thing I felt influencing me to break up with Luke? That would explain why I did that, I wouldn't break up with such a great guy for being protective of me. I had too much anger in my system now, I had to find a release. My body seeming to know what to do, raised my arms and let my anger flow out of me through him. Mikah gave a shout of pain, clutching his head. After a while, I felt drained and Mikah regain his composure. His eyes were the blackest I have ever seen them.

"Well, well, well what do we have here Hm? Could it be little Anna has finally found her powers? It seems as if she has, or maybe she just being her old stupid self.” His eyes grazed over my body and I shivered

"Mikah, leave Anna out of this, I know you wanted her here but look your power over me has broken so you don't have me, but ill willingly stay if you promise to let them go." The man's- Mikah's eyes flickered to Lauren. I watched as his pupils dilated before my sister screamed out in pain. Frantic I went to her trying to see what was wrong, I turned to Mikah.

"Stop it! Please just Stop!!" He wouldn’t. I threw myself at him the only thing in my mind was protecting my sister when I hadn't in the past. I hit Mikah dead in the shoulder knocking him over, and the screams stopped. I took an elbow to the stomach and the breath was knocked out of me. I rolled onto my back trying to catch some air when suddenly a hand wrapped around my throat, picked me up, and rammed me into the wall still holding me. I was still gasping for air, my vision was blurring but I could see a furious Mikah in my view.I could feel my body giving up struggling from the lack of oxygen when memories flashed through my mind.

Playing with Lauren at a young age.

Sleepovers at Emma's house

Spending time with her parents

Meeting Luke for the first time in that classroom.

My mind stuck on luke and I conjured up the way he looked when I first saw him. His untidy brown hair and warm chocolate eyes that saw through my soul. Finally to when I- or apperently Mikah told him goodbye and thats when I realized it would be the only thing in my life I regret and wished to change. It may have only been a couple of days but when you love someone, for however short you know that person, you jsut know when you're ment to be with him. I had that, and there mustv'e been doubt in my mind otherwise how had Mikah done that? Luke was an amazing guy who had chosen me. What kind of person am I to have thrown that away? Discust came over me as I thought more and more about what I had done. I would never forgive myself.

My last concious thought was an angel's worried voice floated into my ear and I felt the pressure lift off my throat.

"Anna? Baby? I'm here now, don't worry I have you." I felt strong arms wrap around me and I curled into my angel's chest. " Thats it baby just hang in there for me."

I fell into the darkness that offered sweet relief from the guilt of loosing the only good thing in my life.


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