Chapter 27

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I screamed as his boot connected with my leg making a sickening snap. When he hit me in the ribs, he knocked all the breath out of me. That's when I started to float. I know, I said float but that's all I can really describe it as.

I was floating above my body, watching the scenes unfold around me, watching the stranger kick me but not feeling the blows. I saw Hannah in the corner, crying and trying not to watch or hear anything that was going on. I don't blame her, she's going to be so traumatized when I die.

I die, it was as if I knew what was going to happen, and I had already accepted it. I felt a tug at leaving this world and I knew I was missing something. Luke, I supposed was the reason. I would never truly be happy in heaven until he joined me there.

Suddenly there was a loud noise that yanked me out of my thoughts as I turned to Luke's wolf who was torturing the man who had beaten me. I frowned, he shouldn't act like this. I watched as Cole took over as Hunter got Hannah but my eyes drifted back to Luke. He was holding me, and crying. My hands instinctively reached towards him wanting to wipe away his sorrow. I was angry at myself for putting his tears there.

 "Don't worry Anna, It's not your time yet."

Started I turned around to face an extremely attractive young woman smiling friendly at me, as if we were long lost friends. Instantly I was weary of her. Who was she? What was going on? She cocked her head to the side and almost as if she was listening to my thoughts she answered.

"I go by many names Anna, but you may call me by my most famous name, Moirae. Perhaps you know me?" I stared blankly at her trying to remember. Something came up, a Greek mythology class I had taken for fun a while back. Moirae was the Greek word for something...It was important in those days. The only thing even the gods were subjected to. Fate. Moirae smiled beautifully, as if happy to have been recognized.

"Yes, I am Fate. I live through out the years carrying out my duty and my reason for existence. You in particular have caught my attention." At my alarmed expression she carried on. "No, don't worry, your not the only one who has. I can appear to many people at once; because of my job I have so many clients to attend to! Anyways, The point is that a few years back I intervened in your life and made a grave mistake, which since then I have been paying the ripples of my consequence for it. Now is where the final decision comes in. Your decision."

After pausing she waved her hand and a sort of doorway appeared. As hard as I tried I could never see clearly into it. Inside it was fuzzy and bright and made my head light.

"Anna, up until now your life has been in my hands. I have made all the big decisions- well the life or death ones. I was the little voice in your head guiding you. Now you have a choice to make. You can come with me, and carry on to the next world where you can make a new life for yourself. Or, you can return to the earth where your life was, and continue living it. Choose wisely Anna, you may not be only one your deciding for."

Finally I found my voice, "Do you mean that if I choose to go with you, Luke will do something so he can be with me?" She shook her head.

"I cannot share anything about the future with you, I hope you understand. Nothing personal but if you think about it for a while I promise you can figure it out. Now I really must be going, so have you thought it over? "

"I don't need to think about it. I wish to go back to earth and be where I belong, beside Luke."

She smiled again, as if she knew this was going to be my answer.

"Very well, I must however insist that you find these people." She showed me an image of a tall brooding man with a small girl in his arms. They were obvious mates by the way they were staring at each other. "You will prepare each other for what's to come." My guard came back up.

"What's coming?" She looked off into the distance, sadness tugging her face.

"An old power, something that if we hope to defeat it you must all be united or else we will all succumb to his will." With that she started to shine so bright that I had to close my eyes.

When I opened them I was staring into the beautiful eyes of my mate, with a body that hurt like hell.

Luke POV.

Blindly I ran to where her scream came from to find a werewolf kicking a now quiet person. When I realized that that was Anna I lunged at him and changed midair taking him by surprise. Tackling him to the ground I kept one foot on him as I stepped on one hand, then the other, about to go for more limbs fueled by his screams of agony and the memory of him over Anna. I was seeing red, and in such a frenzied state that I'm surprised that I didn't attack Cole, when he nudged me on the shoulder.

 Luke, think of Anna. Let me take this one, she's not- she needs you.

The look on his face and the seriousness in his voice told me what I didn't want to ever hear. If that wasn't enough I could barely hear her breathing let alone her heartbeat. I started whining as I walked over to where she was. Completely unaffected as I saw Cole drag the moaning man out, most likely to finish the job. My whole attention was on my mate lying in front of me, dying right before my eyes.

My wolf was physically aching with the knowledge that he had failed his mate, so he melted away leaving my human form which wasn't in that much better state. I picked up Anna and held her in my arms listening to her numbered heartbeats when I noticed something was off.

She had two heartbeats.


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