Chapter 10

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Hey guys!!!

so heres the next chapp hope you guys like and i want to know what you guys think will happen to Luke and Anna.

Will they be togeather? or will Sasha get what she wants?

hey check out my friends story;

My name is sara and i control fire AND water

it so freakin good and i cant wait till she updates!!

*wink *wink *nudge *nudge

Sooo thanks!!



I ran and ran till i hit the forest right outside our school and stopped to catch my breath.

As I was leaning up aginst the tree my legs gave out and slid underneath me. What is happineng to me? Just a few days ago i was getting pshyced about school and now i can't wait for the year to be over.

And it all started when Luke walked through the door.

I got jolted out of my thoughts by someone touching my arm. The fireworks where i was touched gave me a clue as to who it was and when i lifted my head i conferned it.


What does he want now? I don't have that much more fight in me. All I really wanted was to run into his arms and let him hold me. But no, how could an amazing guy like Luke like a plain girl like me.

"Anna? Are you okay?" he asked again and when i locked eyes with him i could see the genuine concern he had for me. It made my stomach flutter and i shuttered a little.

This didnt go unnoticed by Luke and he took off his jacket and slid it on me. It was nice and warm, plus it smelled like him. I tried putting my arms through the holes but his arms were way longer than mine and the extra length hung loosely.

He put his arm around me and i snuggled up next to him. He sighed content and im pretty sure I did the same thing. It felt nice just to be held by someone you knew would be looking after you

I realize that he was still waiting for an answer so i took a deep breath and told him the truth, "It just that i've been dealing with a lot lately and my past has been crossing my mind more recently." I don't know why but i felt tons better telling him all of my worrys, and i felt like i could trust him with anything.

"Your past?" He asked raising an eyebrow

"Yes something i'd really not like to think about - really more like someone i'd like to forget" I said hoping he'd drop it.Then he did something i didnt expect; he growled. The sound brought me back to before i had a meltdown when Sasha did the same thing.

I jumped out of his embrace, makinging sure he had the jacket with him.

I knew something was wrong with both of them.

"I have to go, I'll-uh I'll see you tomorow bye." I said quickly not even giving him a chance to reply before i turned and ran to my house not stopping the entire way there until i was sure that all of the doors were locked.

It wasn't until I heard the footsteps behind me did i let out a ear-piercing scream. I felt a hand cover my mouth and stop me from letting out anouther scream. By now i was shaking all over and my heart was pounding.

"Shhh its okay" My intruder said, and i was shocked at who it was.


Lukes POV

When Anna ran out of the room i didnt even pay attention to anyone. All i knew was my mate was hurting and i had to put a stop to her pain. So i followed her out to the woods and watched her fall to her knees against the tree.

I walked over to her and sat beside her wanting- no needing to know what was wrong. I reached out to let her know i was here and she jumped a little at my touch. I still marvel at the wonderfull sparks she makes me feel.

"Anna, Are you okay?" please tell me who hurt you so i can go and torture him till he dies a slow and painful death; I silently added in my mind. She brought her eyes to mine and her expression softened under my gaze. I wanted nothing more than to hold her in my arms and know that shes safe.

I saw her shudder so i gave her my jacket and put my arm around her to warm her up. When she wiggled closer to me i sighed. She was so beautiful and she was willingly in my arms, she looked so cute in my jacket. My wolf was so happy that his mate was here in his arms.

Just like how it should be forever.


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