Chapter 14 - Beginning? Closure?

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Chapter 14 - Beginning? Closure?

After Chatelle left Melissa and Shalyn.

"Sha I'm going ok? Bye!" after Melissa said those words she immediately searched for Ethan. When she saw Ethan. Ethan is with Kenneth she hide under the bush near were Ethan and Kenneth is. She don't want to be an eavesdropper so she decided to go when she heard them ...

"Chatelle" After she heard that She stopped and decided to listen but she didn't a thing. Questions filled inside her head.

What is with Chatelle?

Why are they talking about her?

Is she that important to be their topic?

Melissa was about to go when Ethan And Kenneth saw her.

"Hi Mel! what are you doing near the bush?" Kenneth said with a playful tone.

"uhm - uhm - I - I'm finding my handkercheif oh here! Found it! Ha-ha-ha" Mel laughed awkwardly.

"oh really.." said Kenneth with a smirk on his face.

"ye - yeah!"

"Ken it's nearly time. I'll go ahead of you." Ethan said

"oh sure bro! I'll go too. I'll fix something. Bye dude! Bye Mel!"

"bye!" Mel and Ethan said in unison. Ethan was about to walk away when Mel hold his arm to refrain Ethan from going away.

"what?" Ethan said in an annoyed voice.

"Lets talk while we are heading to our classroom." Melissa Bravely said to Ethan

"What do you want?" Ethan asked Melissa.

"aish! So straight forward. I just want to know you."

"You already know me I'm Ethan Smith" Ethan said coldly

"yeah. I know your name but I want to know about your hobbies, interest your favorites."

"whooa!chill. I don't want to talk to you.I rarely speak and I only talked to you last time because of Chatelle."

"Chatelle?! What is so special about her? Why can't we be friends?!"

"Simply. Because she is Chatelle and You are Melissa. I don't want to be close with you. Now let go of my arm I'm gonna be late with my first class." After Ethan said those words Melissa let go of his arm. Ethan countinued walking away from Melissa.

Before Ethan could totally walk away from Melissa. She screamed.


"Miss Melissa here is the thing first don't scandalize here. Second I don't like you. Third yeah I do notice that you like me I'm not numb not to notice that. You are to obvious and remember people aren't numb they just ignore it because they are too busy with lots of things." after Ethan said that he left Melissa dumbfolded.

Melissa started to cry. She was never ever been devastated in her entire life. She gets what she wants. And when she can't have it She'll take her revenge.

She wispered. "I'll get my revenge to you Ethan and Chatelle."

"hay.. You've been reject then that's what you'll do?" Melissa was shocked seeing Kenneth out of no where.


"my my dear Melissa I know lots of things. First I know and I saw what happened"

Melissa was mad now really mad. She harshly wiped her tears before she speak to Kenneth.

"That is what you call eavesdropping! Don't you know privacy?!" She shouted to Kenneth.

Happiness .. ?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon