Chapter 8

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Last Time
Toby was the first to speak

"Hey Jane! L-long time no see!" Jane replied with a simple

"Mhmm" as she stared at me, her gaze went up and down my body. Then she spoke.

"So Girly, what brought you here? And with Toby of all people?" She glanced at him and let out a slight giggle before looking back into my eyes. Toby rolled his eyes and began walking off,

"well I'll leave you with her (y/n), but be c-careful, she bites" he swung around and made a biting motion with both his hands before turning back and walking into the kitchen, laughing.

"Wow. What a jerk" I chuckled. "Mhmm that's Toby for you," Jane began slowly walking around me as she continued

"sooo your names (y/n)?" I noticed her scanning my body and face as she walked.

"Mhm" i gulped,

"and you're Jane?"

God she's making me so nervous!

"Yes I am, Jane the killer, pleasure to meet you (y/n) (l/n)" she stopped in front of me and extended out her hand for me to take it. Which I did just that and gave it a little peck,

"the pleasure is all mine, but uhm how the hell do you know my last name?" Jane seemed a bit shocked by my actions but quickly composed herself,

"oh you know, when you're a serial killer you tend to learn about everyone in town" she giggled while twirling a piece of her hair.

"Hey Jane!" A girl with long Brown hair and a green sweater came running down the stairs.

"Oh! Hey Clocky~" Jane turned around and threw her arms open and the very tall brunette reciprocated and embraced Jane in a hug.

She then looked up at me from over jane's shoulder and glared at me. I first noticed her eyes, one was a bright emerald green while the other one was replaced with a tiny clock and her mouth had a roughly stitched up smile. Jane let go of "clocky" and gestured to me,

"Clocky this is (y/n), Toby brought her from god knows where" she giggled out.

"Sup, I'm Clockwork." She said coldly while crossing her arms.

"Uh Hi Clocky, nice to meet you" I replied

"Don't fucking call me that, its clockwork to you bitch!" She seethed

"also stay the fuck away from Jane, she's mine got it!" She swore while taking hold of Janes waist and pulling her close.

"Oh Clocky stop, I'm not yours ok? I already told you that I'm not looking for a relationship right now, I want to get rid of Jeffery for good before I date anyone!" Jane pulled herself away and began walking over to the Sofa.

"Yeah whatever.." clockwork hung her head slightly and walked the opposite way towards the kitchen, leaving me standing there alone.

Wow. These people are nuts.

I took notice to the closet door that Jeff ran into slowly opening, then a white finger poked out and began beckoning me over. I wearily looked around before making my way over, once there the door opened more so that I could see Jeff's face.

"Is she gone?" He asked in a hushed tone

"nope, Janes on the sofa"

"Shit. Come in, I need to talk to you" Jeff then opened the door a bit more so that i could fit in.

"Uhh I don't know if I want to be in a closet with you" my nose scrunched with slight disgust.

"Jesus I'm not gunna fuckin rape you, now get your ass in here cause I have to fucking talk to you!" I reluctantly did as he demanded, slowly stepping into the dark closet as Jeff closed the door behind me. The closest was small and had a slight smell of piss mixed with mold. It was so cramped and damp!

"Ok Jeff, what do you want? It stinks in here" i questioned while plugging my nose to escape the stench,

"ok ok, I just need to warn you about Clockwork! I noticed how she was talking to you and I thought I should let you know to be careful!"

"Why the hell should I?"

"Because, she can be really obsessive! I've seen her hop from crush to crush since she started living here and she would kill anyone who got too close to her crushes! Doesn't matter what there gender or sexuality. So be fucking careful! Cause clearly Toby has taken an interest in you or else he wouldn't have bothered saving your whiny ass." Jeff explained to me, sighing after

"so don't hurt his feelings. Its not often that he likes a regular person" I stood there not really knowing what to say, after a couple seconds one thing came to mind.

"Thanks Jeff."

Wahoo! Finally got around to writing shit😂
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