chapter 1

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That's all I could do.
If I stopped I would die.
I'm scared...

1 day prior

"(Y/N)!!!" my mother yelled at me from the kitchen in a furious tone.
I rolled my eyes and sighed in annoyance.

And i thought this was gunna be a good day...

I thought to myself as I slowly got up from my bed while lazily reaching my arm across to the end of it and grabbed my pair of fluffy polar bear pyjama Pants. I slipped both feet into their respective holes and hopped off my bed so i could slide them up. I slowly marched my way over to my door, turned the knob and peered down into the dimly lit hallway that led to a carpeted staircase. I begrudgingly exited my room, being sure to close the door behind me, and made my way down the hallway and then down the steps. A bit of a hop in my steps while going down which caused my chest to bounce quite a bit.

Once down I turned right to enter the brightly light kitchen, the change in brightness causing my pupils to shrink. I lifted my arm up to slightly shield my face so I could adjust from the change.

Once my eyes had fully adjusted i could see my mother was standing by the fridge with her hands on her hips and a scowl on her face. She stared at me for a second and then proceeded to point inside of the fridge. I slowly made my way over and looked at what she was pointing at, it was a plate of (f/df), it was half eaten and still a little hot from being recently put in the microwave. I looked up at her and she looked back at me and sighed

"Answer truthfully, did you or did you not eat the leftovers?" She asked with slight irritation in her voice.
I looked at her for a few seconds and then looked down in shame which She took as a yes, which it was...

"(y/n), you do know that it was for your father's lunch right?" I nodded slowly in response.
She let out a long exasperated sigh in response

"well, I guess your gunna have to make him a new lunch then..." I nodded my head in response and looked at her in the eyes, making sure she was done and walked back up to my room shutting the door behind me.
I flopped on to my bed with a big sigh and immediately curled up in my blanket and turned my show back on, it was Shameless

Time skip

After a few hours of watching it I finally looked at my clock,

"HOLY SHITE! 3 am already... geez... I better get to bed, i got work in the morning" I laughed nervously while getting up and turning off my light, I quickly jumped into bed and curled up in to a little ball falling asleep with in a matter of minutes.


First part DONE!😆 I'm writing this in school right now, sooo not the best😅
Btw (f/df) means Favorite Dinner Food just so you know😉

505 Words

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