Chapter 7

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Toby hesitated, but slowly opened the door. Light came pouring out of the huge mansion into the dark, clammy forest once again.


You started to walk up the rickety old stairs. trying not to step on any large cracks, which proved to be difficult with the blinding light shining into your (E/C) Eyes.You looked to Toby to see if it was alright to continue into the light, he noticed your pleading stare almost immediately and nodded in approval. You stepped into the bright old house and was greeted by Jeff holding a large green cloth above a child's head, laughing and mocking him. But what caught your attention was the man On the couch, he had a dark navy blue mask covering his eyes and brown hair leaving his grey lips exposed, he was eating something. Something bloody. IT WAS THAT CREEP THAT WAS IN YOUR ROOM!!
You shuddered at the sight but continued to look around, you then saw a very tall intimidating monochrome clown hunched over a table in the kitchen, he was making candy!

"Jeffery Dan Woods give me back my fucking hat or so help me!!" You rapidly turned your head and looked over at Jeff to see what the commotion was.

"Heh. What are you gunna do shorty?" Jeff sneered at the smaller boy.

"JEFF GIVE BEN HIS HAT BACK!!" An angry feminine voice yelled from the stair well, thuds could be Heard making there way down the stairs.

Someone was coming.

They sounded mad.

Jeff threw the hat back at Ben then made a bee line to the closet that was next to the stairs, he swung the door open and hid inside. I stifled a laugh, Toby wasn't as successful. Just as i was about to question Jeff's actions you looked back at the stairs to see a stunning women walking down them, her skin was white as snow just like Jeff's with a slight burnt look to it, she wore a beautiful black dress that stopped at her upper thighs and showed off all of her curves, she had an hour glass figure with a bit more waist, which made her look so much more attractive, her long silky smooth black hair stopped at her breasts which looked, might I say, quite Voluptuous. She also wore a feminine white mask, which had black glossy lips and lashes painted on.
Needless to say she was drop dead gorgeous! I instinctively said out loud

"Pretty Girl make brain go BRRRRRR" making sure to roll my R's, this caused her to look at me.

She glared intensely trying to figure out if that was a compliment or a sad excuse for a pick up line. Once she decided that it was most likely a compliment she started to make her way to me, the way she walked was so elegant and distinguished. I just couldn't take my eyes off her! Her breasts, hips, and stomach all slightly jiggled as she walked, her hair bounced and swayed behind her.
God, i wish she wasn't wearing that mask so that i could see what she looked like!
When she stopped in front of me i realized just how short she was, around 5'2 maybe? Give or take. Toby was the first to speak

"Hey Jane! L-Long time no see!" Jane replied with a simple

"Mhmm" as she stared at me, her gaze traced up and down my body. She then spoke.

Long time to see y'all! Lmao sorry
590 words

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