Long Lost Lover - Geto Suguru (JJK)

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A/N: So, this is a request from corruqtion .

However, I'm not too familiar with Geto as a character, nor do I know much about the plot of Jujutsu Kaisen. I've watched a bit of it, but haven't in a good while. So forgive me if there's inconsistencies!

(Also, I know you asked for a more high school kind of scenario, but I hope this'll satisfy. I forgot about the specifics until I was halfway done this chapter 😅)

 I forgot about the specifics until I was halfway done this chapter 😅)

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Anyways, I hope you enjoy this!!~


I stared in disbelief, unable to comprehend what I was seeing.

Suguru Geto; a notorious murderer, powerful curse user and... well...

What used to be my lover.


"I'll now introduce you to your the other students. So please follow me." A man who had previously introduced himself as Masamichi Yaga spoke.

Honestly to me, he looked more like a bouncer at a nightclub than a jujutsu teacher, but who am I to judge?

Yaga opens a sliding door to reveal two people, both wearing very similar attire; that being a black side buttoned jacket and black pants. The only difference between the two's clothes was that the one with the darker hair was wearing baggier pants.

He also had stretched ears and long dark hair tied into a man bun. The other had slightly disheveled white hair, and styled sunglasses that covered his eyes.

Both of the young men looked absolutely stunning, but the way that the dark haired man looked me in the eye, and had a gaze that even the most composed person could melt under.

"These will be your teammates. This is Satoru Gojo,"

The lighter haired of the two waves two fingers in greeting "Yo."

"...and this is Suguru Geto."

The other takes a step forward and holds his hand out for me to shake, "Pleasure to meet you."

His voice didn't help my composure whatsoever, neither did the way he bowed his head, but kept his eyes on mine the entire time.

He almost seemed threatening, and completely trustworthy all at the same time.

"Y-yeah..." I get lost in my words, but quickly snap myself out of it, "I look forward to working with you two."

"Oh please! So formal!" The one supposedly named 'Gojo' laughs to himself, "We're basically best friends now, right?"


Eyes colder than I remember, no playful smirk on his face. He's different, and yet hasn't aged a day.

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