Turning the Tables - Eren Yeager (AOT)

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Eren Yeager x Assassin!Reader

⚠️Some gore warning! (Not part of the lemon, just part of the plot)

A/N: This is a request from moon_pie_lizzy !! Thank you for the super cool request!~<3

Okay so hear me out. I wrote this after pulling an all-nighter doing school work without access to coffee. So plEASE try not to judge too harshly, it's absolutely not my best work.

In regards to Eren's character, I wanted to make it so he sort of became more "human" when he showed his spicy colours, but my sleepy brain had a hard time coming up with proper character development. I just hope it makes some kind of sense haha 😅

 I just hope it makes some kind of sense haha 😅

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Anyways enjoy!~


"Now, is your main objective clear?"

"Yes sir."

"Good. The fate of the world rests in your hands now, [Name]."

"I won't let you down. I will kill Eren Yeager."


The heels of my boots clicked rhythmically against the hardwood flooring of the Yeagerists hideout - which in all honesty, wasn't very hidden.

Though, sometimes the best place to hide is in plain sight.

The air smelled of a combination of various different grilling meats and Marleyan spices, even the slightest hint of alcohol lingered behind the foreign scents.

From what my resources say; Eren and some of the other Yeagerists are residing in this large restaurant within Wall Sheena for the time being, and that they're only going to be here for a little while longer before they move locations.

Supposedly, a couple of the "Marleyan prisoners" - namely, the head chef working at the restaurant; Nicolo - had accidentally given a hint toward the organization using the place as a headquarters.

I was assigned a single but important task, and this was to infiltrate the Yeagerist operation and get Eren Yeager alone.

From there, I'd kill him.

I am an assassin, and I have a single and nearly foolproof specialty; seduction.

Even the most stone cold men, women, and others have a weakness, and my skill is to sniff it out and use it to my advantage.

I've never once come across someone I couldn't break through even the most subtle actions, so I knew that I was the right person to call upon for this assignment.

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