Win Her Over - Sebastian and Claude (Black Butler)

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A/N: Why hello. This is a long awaited request from Uchiha_Mariah !!

Now before you read, I need to say that I know NOTHING about black butler. Genuinely nothing. However I did some research and Mariah gave me some good info I could work off of.

Anyways, I really hope this is decent (well nothing I write is decent if you know what I mean)

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Anyways, I really hope this is decent (well nothing I write is decent if you know what I mean). I'm not super proud of this one but voila.


"Come on Y/n, it can't be that hard." I say internally to myself as I stretch out my body as much as I could to reach the Chandelier I was attempting to dust.

I reached on my tippy toes from the small step ladder I had been using for my other duties as a maid, but it was just shy of the height it needed to be for this one.

Closer... closer... I continue to strain my body to stay upright as I reached for the light fixture, but it seems it was all for naught.

My foot slipped and gravity took effect. But before I could hit the ground, I found myself in someone's arms.

"You were being careless." A voice says plainly, and I finally open my eyes.

"S-Senior Butler Claude!" I shrieked, blushing intensely once I noticed how close he was holding me.

He put me down and turned to face the other direction.

"If you need a taller step stool to complete a given task, simply ask for one. And just call me Claude, nobody calls me Senior Butler Claude." He says in his usual tone, making me frown a little.

"R-right... Thank you, I-I'll be more careful next time." I say with a small pout spread on my face.

Before he could exit the hallway, he stops, and sighs. "And get that frown off of your face, you'll give yourself wrinkles."

His comment caught my attention, and I narrowed my eyes and took a single step toward his direction.

"Why would it matter? Do you care about me or something?" I grin, fluttering my eyes sarcastically.

"Not whatsoever. You're nothing more than a maid working under me. In fact I don't even need to explain my reasoning." With that, he enters another room, and closes the door.

I grunt and mutter something to myself. I'm not exactly what response I was expecting, but one of these days I'll fluster him.

He's always been so good with everything he does, no matter what, I've never once seen him slip up or fail at anything.

So I've made it my personal goal to at least make him stutter. Even a slight pause before answering would suffice, anything that catches him off guard or throws his balance off would do perfectly.

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