C h a p t e r - S e v e n : Wait What?

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"Is this uhm some kind of reunion or something?" Ronnie high pitched voice broke the eye contact that had started between Guiliana and I.

"Oh, I apologize Veronica I forgot you were uhm..." I turned my head towards Ronnie where she sat on a fallen tree still trying to catch her breath.

"Yeah thanks for that." she said wittily.

"Anyways, this is an old friend of mine Giuliana, and Giuliana this is a best friend of mine currently Veronica Bennet." I told her the last name so she got the subtle hint that I was trying to get at that Ronnie was a witch.

For the first time Giuliana spoke, "I see, it is my pleasure to meet you." She held out her hand and cautiously Ronnie grasped it. Her eyes suddenly watched in shock at the imagine I could see playing in her mind.

"Vampire.." Ronnie muttered.

"Well yes, of course I am quite old." Ronnie let go of her hand and looked over at me. I gave her a reassuring smile to let her know this Vampire was on our side unlike all the other ones we met.

"How old?"

"Try about five hundred years." Ronnie looked at her wide eyed.

"So if I am ask, how did you get here?" The mood in the forest had changed, it drifted to a happy place an abrupt place of solace.

"I don't see it fit to tell you." The old language was completely new sounding when she said it, it brought me back to all those years ago, well the ones I can remember.

"And why is that?" I returned with a bitter sharpness.

"Because it will ruin you Stefan." And the short commentary had ended and we were now in a state of confirmation.

"You don't get to decide that." I said and finally her face fell, her lapis lazuli eyes sullen and tired looking as they stared ruefully at the old crumpled leaves.

"I found you in New Orleans lying in a pile of dead bodies. You had slipped in the 1900's and I tracked you down asking everyone I came into contact if they had seen you. I came across a man who went by the name Damon Stills, he killed me right on the spot... Maybe he was trying to protect you I don't quite know." I didn't even know how to respond. I was trapped in this god damn universe, when my girlfriend and brother were probably pouring their love out to eachother. But the thing was she wasn't my girlfriend... we had broken up just before I died...

A darkness had blackened my heart along with my thoughts.

"But Damon he would never..." Ronnie already had tears streaming down her face coming to put a plea on Damon's side.

"My brother is a sociopath and he will be stopped." I stared straight into Guliana's violet eyes which had much too fear in them.

"Stefan are you forgetting that we are in freaking LIMBO?" Ronnie had somehow got out through the sobs.

"I know a way out.. and it's not pretty, Stefan." Giuliana stood still even as the wind picked up again.

"Whatever it takes." But I hadn't known then it would involve a drastic change.

"I don't think you quite understand... One of us needs to shut it off Stefan." My eyes followed her gaze which turned solid once her words registered.

"But that's only going to send us to another prison world Giuliana... that's genius!" Ronnie had exclaimed but she didn't know the whole story. She gad no idea what I would do after shutting my humanity off fully. You see when I was with Ken I hadn't fully shut it off but this would require it all, it would take my undivided attention, all this fighting the urge for just a single drop of human blood would have been for nothing.

"Ronnie, when a vampire shuts it off they turn off their humanity, it's like a switch in our brain, and when we push off we are reckless. And Stefan over here got the bad end of vampirism. He can barely control himself right now so when he turns it all off he's a full on Ripper." I closed my eyes gently till the creases that had formed in my forehead were gone.

"Okay so why don't you do it?" Ronnie said.

"I can't Damon ripped out my heart, it took away the darkness that makes a vampire, what they are." I should've known. I was such a fool.

"Just remember to bring me back..." They both were talking to eachother each of them deciding there had to be another way, it was already done.

"No, Stefan, wait!" My eyes rested till I had gathered enough Power to push the off button in my brain. Once I had it was a tornado and it completely grabbed every emotion swimming in my brain and sucked it up like a vacuum of sorts.

"Grab on to him!" Giuliana yelled through the all the wind and sparks that began flying down from the sky. All hands grabbed onto my shoulders and all at once the wind grabbed us and sucked us into oblivion. Except it wasn't. I looked around at my surroundings noticing the familiar cobble stone path, and the tall buildings that lined up beside the walk way.

"This doesn't look like the 21st century." Ronnie exclaimed.

"That's because its 1555..." Giuliana stood their awed while keeping a close watch on me, "Stefan..." I didn't answer, "Hey, Stefan look at me!" I didn't turn around either, all I could do was try and process what just happened and try and figure out how to escape this hell.




Okay let's take this off caps lock for a sec, haha.

Writing has not only gave me something to look forward too everyday after a dreadful seven hours of school but it has changed my life in more than one way

I started writing when I was in fourth or fifth grade, and from then on I just took it in as a passion, I went through a tough time in seventh grade and trust me in an upcoming story you will read all about it, I wasn't in a good place and I am okay admitting it to you all. But whenever I cried or was on the verge I sat down with my small little journal and wrote everything down....and that simple act got me through the worst days of my life.


Alright, well have an amazing Tuesday, see you soon (:



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