C h a p t e r - F i f t e e n : M i s e r y ...

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Fear was there, every corner I neared, and every breath I took it was always there watching over me...

And as traumatizing as it was I had to bury my sister today, Ric was there with me through the whole thing, but Damon and Stefan they weren't. But I think the worst part about it was having to dig a hole by the tree stump for the third time and just dumping her heartless body in it. Without her soul there was nothing left of her... she was simply just a corpse waiting for the years to turn her body into bones...

We couldn't even have a proper burial...


It's been tough, I must say. I've been fighting the urge for three weeks, I haven't had a single drop of human blood. There were so many times that I wanted to but then I remembered Elyssa, how someday I knew I would come back to her... but right now I'm just in too deep of my research I can't go back. Then there is also Ronnie... how I miss her, how every time I close my eyes I see her lying on the ground with that heart shaped face and stone eyes.

What ever spell she did involved Giuliana because they both were found dead.

I was thinking that Ronnie couldn't do the spell again, she wasn't strong enough so she had to draw on something living and it was Guliana, she was the only one there, alive. So in the end she killed the both of them. But there was a way out, I knew it.

"Another shot?" said the bartender (I believe his name was Dan).

"How about a bottle of whiskey?" Beer was just not going to cut it tonight, nor was it going to curve the urge. I closed my eyes but still I heard the blood pumping through his body. My fingernails dug tiny slits into my skin as I gripped my hand tighter and tighter.

"Here ya go." he slid the bottle across to me... yes the whole damn bottle which I shoved to my lips nervously. It burned my throat as I swallowed but took away the anguish in my stomach. Even still there was that insatiable urge coming back after the effects of the alchol began to wear off.


"Damon... she took everything away..." I faltered right in front of him but not one single part of me felt ashamed.

He stood there facing the cup in his hand his eyes wide open.

"I don't know what you want me to say." he looked up at me with those sea like eyes but I wasn't drowning in them anymore. I was being dragged back to shore.

"Say something! Tell me it's going to be okay... tell me that losing every person that shared a part of my soul was worth it. I just need you to make this right." It was to the point of me begging but not by the childish ways... but with my eyes, with the hurt crystal clear in them. Many tears had fallen and the number began to augment as he still stood there, his lips curled inward.

"Losing you, seeing you kiss Stefan it ripped my heart out... tore it to pieces. But you didn't care so why should I? What reason have you given me... you don't even remember me, all the terrible things I've done to you." I tried so hard to unlock the box but all it did was reject any possible chance I had. I couldn't stand this feeling of helplessness, of loss that seemed to be having a permanent effect on me.

I didn't want to be alone anymore...

"Than let's start over... let's make new memories. I've wasted all my life searching for something I was never going to find which was myself. And standing here I know who I am and I don't want to let go of that. I don't care what you did and it doesn't matter. I just know that I need you in my life I've been trying to shake the feeling all this time but I can't." He ran to me and cupped my face. He wiped away every single trace of a tear and stared into my eyes. But he gazed into them and it filled me with purity and suddenly standing here I didn't feel alone anymore.

But instead I felt the most alive.

And then without expecting it he pressed his lips against mine. I smiled and enjoyed every warm breath that fell upon my shivering body.

Every inch between us was passion. It's all I wanted to feel.

It felt so right, everything ignited the dim light in his eyes and I watched as it burned brighter and more luminously than ever.

"Hello lovebirds." Ayble's voice shattered the passion and immediately turned it into misery.

"Oh god." I gasped as a freshly sharpened piece of wood spurted out from Damon's heart. Blood immediately rushed to the open wound, dripping out from all its tiny crevices. He fell into my arms, his deep blue eyes were closed...

I sat down on the ground and watched his eyes fade in and out... Tears as clear as those ocean blue eyes fell from mine.

I watched as my whole world begun to fall apart.

It was astonishment, the beauty of drowning.

But then it was pain, the feeling of being saved when all you wanted was to see that white light shining in your eyes.

And all together it was just misery.

Well, hello there! It's been a lonnnngggggggggg time since I've updated. I'm not back yet, but getting there. I was very hesitant about posting this chapter only because I wasn't fond of the idea of Elyssa going back to Damon, it didn't feel right.

Trust me, it will take a turn for the better down the road.

P.S this isn't the end of the story !!

See you all soon I hope!

Thank you for all the reads, and patience.

All my love,

Gabriela Angela Rose (:

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