Full First Chapter : A New Day and Age.

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It was morning the air in my room fresh and the suns rays circulating luminously through my window. I moved my head and shifted my body slightly under the bulky sheets.

I knew I had to get up, start my day, take a shower, eat breakfast, but I had this longing to just stay in bed and not move a damn muscle. It was though the blankets trapped me here, there warmth paralyzing me.

It took much convincing but I did it, I got out of bed and took a shower, the water was luke warm on my tender skin it felt as though it were melting away. Once I showered I did my makeup, I simply filled in my eyebrows and applied two coats of mascara. After that I threw some clothes on and grabbed a banana on the way out of the house.

Once in the car I turned the key in the ignition but something inside of me didn't want to go, didn't want the car to move. My legs were glued together whining and complaining in their own selfish ways, I forced them to separate and backed carefully out of the driveway. This time I knew where I was heading to Damon's house, can I even call it the Stills Boarding House anymore since well the second Still is somewhere in the universe lost in the depths of himself.

Damon thinks he's dead, he's accepted the fact that he has been dead for these four months know but I refuse to believe that, I know he's alive I just need to find him.

"Any news?" I said while letting myself into the house where only one guest resides. The house was gargantuan I couldn't even begin to imagine the loneliness Damon has been feeling.

"Nope." I looked up from my phone and saw the stunning bareness of his chest right in front of me. I wanted to move over to him and trace the lines of his stomach with my finger tips to kiss his vulnerable neck but I needed to focus on Stefan. I shook my head out of the daydream and attempted to regain some sense of reality.

"I talked to Katherine and well she says that her mom found something in Florida." He sighed and began to walk away from the problem at hand, "Damon where are you going!" I yelled chasing him as if we were playing tag.

"When are you going to get it through your head Elyssa! He's gone!" We have had this argument for months on end and it always end with me walking away but this time I felt this passion in the way Damon screamed these words at me. I decided to clutch onto it and remember he still cared.

"Do you remember a few months ago when we were sitting in your car just after you searched your house for him with Ric?" I needed to bring him back in order for him to realize that he was in denial.

"Yes Elyssa I remember we've been through this before." he glanced to the side in annoyance but qickly focused back on me.

"Well if you remember than you'd know that you promised we would find him, no matter what." I walked closer to him till I could feel his heaving breaths land on my cold skin.

"And we did look for him for months but at some point we should both realize, well you should realize that he's gone. I know my brother I've known for centuries and I certainly don't need a petty little eighteen year old telling me what my brother would do." He pushed me away it's what he always does he shuts down and pushes me away but this time it felt different. There was no passion, no sense of liveliness inside of him anymore.....

I moved my hand till they warmed my tender skin which was burnt down to its last layers.

"I'm not eighteen Damon, I'm nineteen today's my birthday." Wow I was seriously playing the its my birthday card? What has happened to me in these few months?

"I don't care." My eyes started to shake and became little silent earthquakes. His words felt like tiny pieces of glass that had been flown right at me one at atime piercing my skin. I flinched at the imagine beginning to form in my head and silently tried to regain any strength in me.

"How could you say after all we've been through!" I shouted at him as he began to walk up the stairwell. He didn't even turn back at me he didn't say a word just kept walking.

"Stefan is gone, Ric and I have been following dead leads all summer long, he is dead. You have to understand something Stefan has killed over a million people in his lifetime he was a horrible person back in the day so maybe its better this way, that's he's dead I mean." I couldn't see his face but I imagined it to be filled with rage and sadness. I hoped tears were running down his face.

"I don't believe you." It was time for me to go it was selfish to leave him but it was selfish for me emotionally to stay here and let myself get hurt over and over.

I dramatically slammed the door shut while walking out, once outside I stood outside the door just staring into the scenery in front of me. Within seconds I was on the ground crying into my hands.

I know what I said I know I said I wouldn't give up but its time if Stefan wanted to be found he would of made it clear or maybe he can't because he's dead. And if that's the case well I'll just add his name to the list of people I've lost in the past year.

I had hope I truly did and looked what happened.

A black Jeep pulled into the driveway very slowly. The person inside was Alaric and he sat in the car for a while till finally he dragged himself out.

"Is it true?" I asked feeling the wetness on my hands as I lifted my head up. Ric looked at the ground and what looked like a tear fell from his face.

"I found his body."

Damon opened the door behind me but I didn't dare look up.

"Where is it." Damon said through the sobs that finally broke him down.

"I don't think that's such a good idea." Ric said wiping a few stray tears away. I sniffed in the sobs and gently moved my hands away from my tear stained face.

"Where is his body." Oh god the rage in those few simple words sliced through my heart. I needed to do something I needed to fix this.

"Damon don't you are going to regret this." I lifted myself off the ground and stared into Damon's darkened eyes. They were so sad and droopy as he looked at me.

"Well I'm going to have to bury the body eventually." I threw my arms around his shoulders but he threw me, literally off of him. I landed a couple inches away feeling the shock of he cement against my head.

Ric ignored me and lead Damon to his car, I saw the trunk open. Don't look I kept telling myself but for some reason I couldn't look away I needed to see for myself. The trunk revealed a body, mangled and bloody. It was Stefan's his eyes dreary while they stared hopelessly into an abyss filled with murky days and long nights.

His shirt had to holes where blood had spread around I was guessing from the looks of it he had been staked twice. Wherever I looked my eyes couldn't strain away from his. Their beautiful green was iridescent almost glass like with the morning sun dripping down onto them.

Most of the ache in my body had subsided but still I lay on the ground staring into the eyes of a dead man.


I know I said I was posting the first full chapter on August first but I just discovered some sad news. To those of you that follow Nina Dobrev on instagram you would know that she is leaving TVD after the sixth final season. I was so upset to hear this because I used to love Elena Gilbert and I loved how Nina Dobrev portrayed her. She is an amazing actress and I know she will go far with her career. So here's to a final goodbye to our beloved Elena Gilbert... only six more episodes till season six is over :(

Hopefully you all had an amazing day!


Bree :)

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