C h a p t e r - S i x t e e n : W h o A m I ?

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Damon was gone, and he left me here, all alone to try to somehow fill the hole he left in my heart. What he didn't know was that the hole was cavernous, no therapist, or man could fill it or sew it back together... the love which once sent tidal waves throughout my body had been emptied into a waterfall of despair.

Kat has been forcing me to stay out her house, it has something to do with not wanting me to be alone, more like she was scared of what I'd do if I was alone... I was too. Nowadays not even I know what I'm capable of... Ayble made sure I never found out.

Kat knows all about the vampires in town, she showed little blasé in my poor excuses to cover up the truth... not that she was at all mad at me for not saying anything, thankfully she understood why I did what I did.

Every monday Sheriff Forbes takes me to a therapist... it was a plausible thought that my dreary character had become too much for her to handle.

Getting up at around ten a.m to go to the therapist is just about the only time I get dressed, well properly dressed, normal attire for me when I'm not at the therapist is a baggy t- shirt, and baggy sweatpants.

On one early september morning Liz comes into my room, which used to be her husbands. A picture of him in his proper army uniform used to sit on the bedside table... it currently resides tucked away in a drawer.

She sees me dressed, which wipes her mind clean of the question "are you ready?" so instead she proceeds to look down at my journal I had been reading from last year... and asks, "Why are you reading that, sweetie?" I quickly scanned the last sentence I was on and looked up.

"All I want is to remember... that's it..." I sigh at the frustration building up again.

She cocks her head to the side and replies, "I know, I know you do but that journal is filled with pain, and stories of the past. If you continue to open the door to that place then you're never going to be able move on." I knew she was right, but the question was how? How do I close this door if the past is the only place that these two unknown people exist?

Liz stiffened in the doorway and continued, "His voice is slipping away isn't it... let it Elyssa, let it become just a distant memory." I ruefully stared down at the scribbled words, but they were too out of focus in my teary eyes to read.

By the time I looked up again she was gone.


"Oh hey, Stefan, where've you been?" Ric sits me down on one of the couches at Elyssa's house, which I do with much effort. I had been sitting on a motorcycle for ten hours without any breaks,  even for a vampire I was sore.

"Er, uh, I had to get away after the whole Ronnie thing." Ric was sitting sideways with one hand draped over the couch.

Explaining a whole painful memory wasn't going to help me at all so I left it at that... an empty comment.

"Right... how did you guys get out of there anyways?" Ric says, clearly not a mind reader...

Speaking of mind readers, lately this power has been coming back sporadically... it's only scattered thoughts I get though. You see every vampire has an ability they only can access when they drink human blood...

Damon's is teleportation, lucky shit.

"It involved me doing something I wasn't proud of." I murmured, ashamed of the words, and action. It turned out to be a selfish one since I was the only survivor of three tragic deaths. A man who killed thousands of people... who's death had been deserved...

Ric's eyes narrowed, and after a few seconds of deep thought he replied, "You shut it off?"

"Yes." I replied wincing at my own selfish words. I felt ashamed of what had been done... even if it was the only way, "But in order to save them I must go back..." Ric laughed, it took me a off guard for a couple of seconds.

Why was he laughing...


The only thing I got off his thoughts, and an emotion too, sadness.

"Oh you seriously don't know... do you?" Ric said apologetically.

"Know what?"

"Your brother, Damon... he's over there... on the other side." Every word felt like needles prodding and poking on every cell in my body. I shivered once but it didn't shake the pain away, it only made it worse.

For a few seconds I waited for a tear to fall down my face but when none did all went blank in my mind.

"How?" But my efforts at feeling any emotion or lack thereof were unavailing. None seemed present... then the shivers continued, and the needles dug deeper.

"Elyssa didn't say much, she's been laying low, that's why I'm here to tidy up every once in a while. There's something else you should know Stefan, about Elyssa..."

Just a little further they dug till my flesh had been burned by the devil himself.


As many of you know I pre wrote all the chapters for this story a while ago...

That's why I waited for like three months to post the first chapter.

Then I re read them again and I didn't like the plot, or how little effort I put into them.

I wanted you guys to have a better view into the character's mind which is what I attempted to do!

I started to really get back into the twighlight series, I watched the movies and re read Jacob Black's part of Breaking Dawn. I love Stephenie Meyer's writing style soooo much.

And then I found out she wrote an unpublished book called Midnight Sun which is pretty much a recap of twilight but is written in Edwards POV. I fell in love with his character!!!

If you all want to check it out the link to the draft is on her website!

So that's what I've been doing while I was gone, re watching some TVD and Twilight, and reading !

With that out of the way I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Have a superb day!


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