C h a p t e r - E i g h t : A Blessing in Disguise...

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I stood in front of his familiar face so badly wanting to kiss it but trying to restrain myself from the urge, the desire, the need that was right in front of me.

Even though I knew it wasn't Stefan, well the real Stefan...

He's gone, washed away in the long depths of the sea... swimming with the dolphins perhaps?

But I haven't kissed Stefan's luscious lips in so long I felt almost that I needed to, that if I didn't this instant they were going to melt away, and suddenly everything about him would to start to disintegrate into my memories and act as though they never existed at all.

Damon had Stefan's body buried in their family crypt. I visit it often and yell out his name in hopes he'd hear me but I doubt he does.

I stare and get lost in the inscription of his name on the tomb.

Stefano Pasquale Salvatore II

The swerves and scribbles were magnificently crafted into the marble.

But then sometimes my mind wanders further inside of the tomb and there I see a young boy who got his heart broken too young... someone who was looking for a fresh start, a new life... and here he found it... and here it was that he fell in love again, with me.

My eyes soon begin to scan his chest where two wounds, unhealed are placed, the scarring tissue around it forming cotton like swabs.

And then it's gone, the sensation is just gone, his face has vanished from my mind and his voice is just a silent whisper in an inescapable void.

"Silas get the hell out of my house." I stared directly into his eyes which lost me in their frozen crystals. But I was not frightened, maybe scared, and sad but not frightened, not once.

"Just tell me where she is, that's all I need honey." I laughed.

"I'd love to know where she is, she left me here, left me a letter saying she didn't belong here and I haven't seen her since... for all I know she's dead. So please if you have to find out where she is I'd love to know.

"I don't believe you." He grabbed my chin and pulled it closer to his face. He seemed to have been scanning the remains of my broken heart, my glassy tired eyes. "Tell me where Elena is." I felt almost out of reach, like my wind had wandered off somewhere.

"I haven't seen her since my first day of school began, she left me a letter, and that was the last time I saw her."

"You truly don't know... you truly have given up." he said still looking for that piece of my soul.

"Yes I have."

"And it was Stefan you loved all along, it was never Damon..."

"I loved Damon but when I met Stefan he kept me safe, almost like he numbed my pain... he made me stronger... he gave me hope."

"I see..." He paused but never looked away, "Elyssa, I want you to forget you ever met Stefan Salvatore and Damon Salvatore. I want you to move away and go to college, start a new life for yourself perhaps and never look back to Mystic Falls again." I blinked multiple times trying to remember what I had been doing. Nothing came to mind, all I knew was that I had to get out of here.


What the hell just happened? Is what you all are probably thinking...

Okay, so when I say how "she felt out of reach" it meant that Silas was compelling her... so sort of like in the TV show when Alaric compelled Elena's love for Damon away... but not really like that at all!

And to clear up another thing Elyssa is not in college...

When her parents died she was a senior.... sort of was a senior.... not really though... yes she is nineteen years old however she did not attend school when she lost her parents... therefore she had to completely repeat the year for not attending... Kat failed the year too so she could stay back with Elyssa, so essentially this whole grade thing made sense in my head I kind of just never put it into the stories cause I didn't think it was important enough... but yeah that's how it went.

Hope you enjoy... have an amazing day everybody(:


Gossip Girl



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