Chapter 37: ... And...

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Instead of doing an actual timeskip as I had originally planned I'll give you bits and pieces of things that happened during that timeskip. Enjoy!

Chapter 37: ... And...

Aelwyne and Addison hosted a whole week of sleepovers before they were all due for their vacation. As Cristina had told them, her, Meredith, Aelwyne and Addison were going but Callie, Arizona, Izzie, and even Bailey ended up going too. It had been a rather perfect vacation in Hawaii, crystal clear beaches with white sands. There were a lot of long fun filled nights and surfing lessons during the day, where Aelwyne, Cristina, and Callie shined. Also Aelwyne managed to rent a sailboat and taught the group how to maneuver it. Addison had been very attentive to her lesson and yet did not actually grasp it. Everyone kept saying it was because she wanted to hog all of Aelwyne's attention. The trip had been very fun and a good thing to help them relax and enjoy themselves. An awesome girls trip, all in all, though Meredith, Izzie, and Bailey were missing their lovers.

They had dreaded coming back, however, coming back meant the start to their residencies. It meant that they got to do more hands-on work during surgeries and that notion had the new residents excited. By the time they came back there was a new cardio chief and trauma chief, Teddy Altman and Owen Hunt, both military medics. Cristina was a bit unimpressed with Altman at first but she grew to like her or rather love her.

Things were a bit hectic at the beginning of Aelwyne's first year. She and Addison did not see as much of each other as they would have liked because of their conflicting schedules as the brunette explored more of the other specialties, such as trauma and cardio, since she did not have Burke to deal with. Aside from work there were also the therapy sections with Dr. Wyatt to work on getting past everything that had happened with Ethan. Still, they would find the time to go out on dates or to simply snuggle. They managed to work a few cases together without making it seem like there was favoritism.

Also during their first year Meredith met her half-sister, Lexie Grey, who ended up matching at Seattle Grace. Things had been rocky at the beginning but by the end of their first year Meredith started to let Lexie in, slowly. Having Lexie around also meant Meredith got to see more of her father. Though when it came to him Meredith kept her distance. Not that anyone could blame her.

By the beginning of their second year people were already set on their specialties. Cristina had stuck to Cardio, no real surprise there. George had thrown them for a loop and went with Trauma. Alex had also surprised people as he went for Peds. Izzie as they all knew went for Neonatal and OB. Meredith was stuck between Neuro and General but together with Bailey, Richard, and Derek they worked out a plan so she could get a chance to get experience in both fields. That left Aelwyne, who Addison already had an inkling in regards to which specialties she was leaning towards.



Addison sat on the couch going over some files when she heard the piano being played. She smiled as she heard the sweet melodies coming from the open door to the hidden room. Placing the files down she went looking for her brunette. She tiptoed up the stairs and found Aelwyne playing and swaying to the music with her eyes closed.

"Hi, baby girl." She said without looking at her.

"How?" Addison gasped.

"Vanilla." Aelwyne said as she looked at her without stopping her playing.

"Oh." Addison pouted.

"You wanted to surprise me or scare me?" Aelwyne rose a brow.

"Surprise you of course. I wanted to sneak in and kiss your cheek. But you ruined it." Addison continued to pout.

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