Part 19

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🅸🆃'🆂  a dizzying, chaotic blur. Children are running for weapons to survive. Aries heard the first scream, worried for Estella he did a glimpse behind for his partner only to be tackled down by a random tribute.

Letting out an annoyed groan, he simply kicks the girl right on her stomach making her fly imperceptibly behind and land harshly by the impact. Murmuring seeing the Cornucopia almost filled with children around his age, a few of them being the Career.

Deciding to do the sneaky way, Aries meticulously scans the tributes in the Cornucopia, marking the ones on the left that are more vulnerable he approaches them first. Effortlessly killing 2 people without a weapon just bare arms. One by kicking the balance off the male and stomping his neck causing hardness to breathe while for the female he gave a quick death. Screams and cannons blast once more filling his ears.

"Those careers are going hard, aren't there?" There was no one Aries was talking to while except if you count the choking boy who's probably going to take his last breath.

Swiftly gathering things, he needs and wants, a backpack filled with who knows, his Serrated sword, and a spear which would be useful. Aries peaks his head out a corner and spots the Career having fun on the open field.

Seeing no sign of Estella, he knew the girl had probably run off into the woods already. Glad that she's safe and far from the blood sprouting from every corner he sees here. While Aries is ready to move out, his eyes are caught on the knife belt. It'll suit Estella more than him plus there's no harm in taking it.

Securing the belt around him, bag compressed behind, he conveyed out without even venturing to shelter from the Career. "Hey, let me join in your fun there, Cato!" Everyone alters their attention to Aries who dispensed a cocky personality as he stood with his arm out and a provoking smirk.

Cato glowered grimly at him, thinking carefully about his next move, apprehending Aries wasn't an easygoing opponent. SWISH, Aries easily dough the knife thrown by Clover, it did however scratch his cheek lightly. Aries scoffed while staring in the direction the knife had flown off.

Propelling his gaze away to scowl at them, his playful fun dementor had faded and you could sense the ooze of his bloodlust leaking. "You want to play that way?" Letting the bag fall on the ground, Aries snaps his neck and stretches his back muscle, "Come on then. Let's see who can survive."

They look at each other, seeing acting all high and mighty. They laugh and scoff as if it would be an unfair fight and also unmanageable for Aries to even hold them all down but the determined and unbothered look Aries had obtained them to hesitate a minute.

A male from District 4 didn't reminisce much about it, running and screaming to Aries with his axe out. He ran faster, being trained from a young age. Aries quickly turns his body, avoiding the ax and with his free hand, he takes a tight grip on the hand that's holding the weapon.

A whimper left the District 4 boys as Aries was almost breaking his wrist's bones. Staring right into Cato and Marvel's cores, Aries didn't hesitate to stab his serrated sword deep into the male's body, making sure the whole sword went through. The whimper, groan, and scream of District 4's guy, primarily when Aries attracts the weapon deliberately slow.

Allowing his grip to go, causing the boy to thump on the ground as he twirls his sword, making the blood spill everywhere. Without hesitation, Aries dashed toward the career. The careers started thrashing, propelling each other forward to suspend Aries and the victim was a District 3's girl. 

He was rammed into Aries way who didn't delay to stab her undeviatingly in the heart. Imparting her spontaneous death. Aries did feel bad at her when Cato, Marvel, Clover, and Glimmer ran and left her body as a barrier from himself. Glimpsing at the figure that slid off his sword with a weird noise, he sighs.

"All bark. No bite... So not entertaining!" Proposing yelling out loud at the career who ran with their tail between their legs. Aries clicks his tongue, scanning the now deserted Cornucopia, and of course, that's if you count the number of dead bodies children depositing on the ground.

"H-He-Help... Me... P-Please." Squinting his eyes to view the figure of voice fitly, from where Cato had stood a young female, laying almost dead with an extensive wound on her head that showed her brain pumping.

Aries raised his brow, looking around for who the girl was calling for. Seeing no one, he pointed at himself. "Me?"


He takes his time accumulating his kit and polishing his sword on a random dead body's clothes. Aries leisurely walked up to the girl, swatting down which seized him a more immeasurable view of the color, texture, and movement of her open brain.

"Listen, kid... Face it. You're not going to get out of here alive. With or without my help." His words cause her to weep tears of reality and whimper from the unbearable pain. Aries sighed, grimacing as he was never greater at suspending someone's cry, seeing a bar mace beside the girl who told him the weapon used to create the wound.

Picking it up and examining it carefully, "... I can give you a fleet death. Like ripping off a bandage. You'll feel no pain and safe from here... You want it?" Aries stood up, his sword and spear secure at his back while he steadied the bar mace on his hold, preparing ready for permission. The girl's wailings are still hearable as they held eye contact, accepting fate, "Please..."

That's all Aries needs before he swings the most unyielding hit he has done, directly on the bare brain, causing blood to scatter everywhere on him and the green field, joining the deceased children's blood.

That's all Aries needs before he swings the most unyielding hit he has done, directly on the bare brain, causing blood to scatter everywhere on him and the green field, joining the deceased children's blood

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