Part 20

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🅴🆂🆃🅴🅻🅻🅰, it's a dizzying, chaotic blur. Children are running for weapons to survive. She watched as Aries raced to the golds, however, her feet moved to the closest goods she could get and safe from the warzone. Which was a loaf of bread ten feet away, beside a folded-up sheet of plastic and an orange backpack.

Plus, it seems more packed than the others disbanded about. Estella lunges forward getting a hold of the backpack first, but a hand reaches out for it too. A young male tribute, seeing Estella get the hold, to which he grew red in rages and ramble with Estella to the ground earning her to groan at the impact and a loaded bag being pressed between her and the male.

Unintentionally, pierced her tongue in the process, luckily nothing much to damage.

Thinking fast and quick as in the corner of her eyes, the blood spilling was already befalling and she required to seize out of there before anyone else got eyes on her. Using her instinct and brain, she yielded the bag away from them, closer to the forest.

Seeing this the male promptly let go of Estella, desiring to get the item until Estella took a snug grip on his ankle causing him to flow face-first on the ground, hurting his jaw badly. Knowing the male won't give out easily, Estella remembers Aries's words distinctly. "... hurt the best you can."

With quick feet, Estella got around the boy. From behind, her legs grip his lower half while Estella's arms signified around the neck. Strangling his breath out while using her weight as much as she could to keep him down.

Estella comprehended she wouldn't be able to hold the male down much. One of the reasons she despises fighting head-on, her petite scanty figure is nothing more than a burden in that field. But here, she got to manipulate it her way.


The male under her hold starts turning blue, tearing wailing up in the corner of his eyes and tongue sticking out in an attempt for air. "Sleep... Sleep..." Estella kept mumbling those words out, she doesn't aspire to and still won't exterminate anyone in this arena.

There are all youngsters with a family back home unlike her, the guilt would no doubt abolish her. Being particular about playing with the strangle, essentially like torture, however, she was just making sure it would make the male unconscious from the lack of air.

Sounds of screams and cannons filled her ears, keeping an eye on her surroundings and letting the male out of her grip when the pulse was remarkably weak on the neck. Being tranquil furthermore sneaky, Estella undoubtedly got out of the bloody, murderous, moreover gory commotion and operated into the woods. Not glancing back once, she ran and ran.

Disregarding the screams, howls of help, and gun cannons being sent out that's reverberating in her ears.

Suspending when her high hearing senses the voices becoming merely a buzz of fade, binding her eyes together, she gave all concentration on her hearing for any intruders approaching her location. Hearkening nothing, for now, Estella rushes opening the bag, rampaging every item in it all out on the dirt ground

 One thin black sleeping bag, a pack of crackers, a pack of beef strips, a bottle of iodine, a box of wooden matches, a coil of wire, and sunglasses. Her eyes caught the shimmer from a sliver dagger and ropes which made her smirk in victory.

Gathering everything back in excluding the rope and dagger, Estella carefully chooses the right tree. Stabbing the trunk one by one, climbing her way to the highest and sturdiest branch. It took her an immeasurable minute or two to reach her destination.

Letting her body rest from all the running, Estella softly counts the number of cannons being blasted since the beginning and right now. Her hands automatically ruffle through her pockets for her journal out of habit, when having to not feel the familiar leather small cover, she groans annoyed.

She took out the sunglasses given from the bag to wear, chuckling herself at how weird she must contemplate existing in a war zone, fearlessly diminishing a sunglass. After 5 minutes to 10, she has gotten jaded of her thoughts and mind, usually, Aries would be here with something up his sleeves to get off the boredom.

Standing up, on her tippy-toe, freely dancing randomly on the branches even leaping from another to another neighboring tree. She knew the sun wasn't going to last long, as it was getting somewhat darker. They are going to announce the dead later on and that thought to put her in a bad mood. She knows a hundred percent that Aries won't be one of them but the others she can't speak for.

"... Hey, my little angel..." Something clicks in Estella's brain causing her to stop her fun of jumping to hunch down in a ball while covering her ears from the ringing that's happening in her brain. The familiar voice of her dead father is calling out for her, out of nowhere.

Why now? Why? She thought, pleading for an answer.

"... You listen to me carefully. You listen now." Estella shakes her head vigorously as she recalls the memory, only being an infant and her father all clean and handsome unlike in her nightmare, who spoke with all seriousness.

"... You're young. I wasn't able to make a better world for you... But... I won't give up... I'll make it... A better place for my angle."


Estella fastened her head underneath her immediately, the sounds of twigs being pulverized caught her back to reality, succumbing to the memories of her father. It was Rue, the girl was panicking badly, her eyes were going hazy looking for something, the most possible would be a shelter.

She got her answer not long after when District 8 both male and female came into view imperceptibly far from Rue but searching for her. Estella watches Rue's movement thoroughly first while her mind makes up her decision to help the poor young girl. Lamenting observing the black girl weaponless with not even a bag in hand, nothing.

Breaking the closet branch in her range and then tossing it right in front of Rue, frightening the girl but smoothing her down with sign language saying 'don't move.'


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