Trust - 51

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Once Seth and I finished our Subway, we started our drive again. I thought I would be able to fall asleep easily, but I stayed up. I actually enjoyed chatting with Seth. I always have but ever since the whole betrayal thing, I've looked at him as a different person. I'm slowly realizing he's still the same dumb two toned goof ball I called my friend. Nothing much has changed besides him turning on his 'brothers' for the sake of his own career.

For the first time in about an hour the car was silent. I picked up my phone and saw I had a few more texts from Roman. I was getting annoyed. Not because he was texting me but because I feel like he doesn't trust me. The more I thought about it, the angrier I got. If he's gonna be like this the whole time, I might freaking actually leave no..maybe just a good slap in the face to wake him the hell up!

"Emily?" Seth said making me look up and him. "You okay?"


"You don't look so fine.."

"I'm good Seth, I swear." I flashed him a quick smile.

He shrugged then turned his attention back to the road.


We finally got to the hotel. I drove the last two hours to the hotel. Mainly because I felt like Seth was about to pass out while driving.

We walked up to the front desk.

"Hello" the lady at the front desk said with a big smile. "How may I help you two?"

"I have a reservation under 'Rollins' " Seth said.

I stared up at Seths face as I watched him check in. I started thinking about old memories between the four of us and all the laughs and the bad times and..just everything.

"Let's go." Seth tugged on my arm.

"Wait, I have to check in-"

"We're sharing a room." He said before turing back around.

"What?" I mumbled to myself.

I ran after him. "Seth! We can't share a room!!"

"Why?" He gave me a confused look. "We both have our own beds, we just have to share the TV, closet and bathroom. It's just two nights Em, chill." He chuckled before the elevator doors opened.

He's right. Plus, there's two beds. It'll be just like a sleepover. Yeah...nothing wrong with that.


I sat on my bed laughing at tweets fans were sending me. Many of my fans are standing by my side, but not all. I found all this 'hate' to be amusing.

"What are you laughing about?" Seth said as he sat on the end of my bed.

"Oh you know, the hate tweets an stuff."

He smirked "yeahhh, have you gotten any death threats yet?"

"Oh I already got those when I was seen out with Roman. They never really bother me though" I shrugged it off.

"Good, you need that kinda attitude to deal with this stuff." He said before he got up and plopped down on his own bed. "By the way, have you heard from AJ or-"

"Nope." I quickly said.

AJ actually hadn't contacted me after me joining. I guess that's a good thing because I don't want to get into any argument with her unless it's in the ring.

" you wanna go to cross-fit with me in the morning?" Seth asked.

"Uhh, sure."

"Awesome." He said a little awkwardly.

I wanted to leave the room so bad. I wanted to see Roman and hug him and kiss him. It was gonna suck not having him next to me tonight.

Roman's POV

"Why?" Tara forward. "Why can't you tell me why Emily isn't here?!" She crossed her arms.

"Because, it's none of your business little girl" I smirked at her as I pulled the covers up on her. "Now it's late, you should already be asleep.."

"My dad lets me stay up late." She smiled.

"Well your dad is out, I'm in charge right now."

"Gosh Roman" she sighed before flipping over "good night!" She huffed.

"Good night Taraaaa" I said before kissing her cheek and leaving her and Jame's room. I walked into the hotel living room wondering if Emily would come by my room. She didn't really text me back, that was annoying.

I feel like she's mad at me, that's probably why she won't answer me. But I don't understand why, I haven't done anything wrong.. Or maybe she just fell asleep.

I heard a knock on the door. That could either be James, or Emily. I was really hoping it would be Emily, but to my surprise is was Dean.

"Heyyyyy" he smiled before letting himself in. "Sup" he said as he sat down on the couch.

"Just chilling, at 4 am, you?" I chuckled.

"Not much, hung out with Paige though." He smiled to himself.

"And how did that go?"

"Great actually. I like her Ro, I really do."

"Good for you man, I hope you don't have to-"

"Yeah yeah yeah, don't make this all about you." He rolled his eyes before standing up.

"What do you mean?" I frowned.

"You were about to bring up this damn Emily situation. I get it, it sucks.." He sighed.


"No, don't apologize, just don't be selfish" he said now standing in front of me.


"Cool" he smiled again. "Tara still up?"


"IM STILL UP DEANNNN!!" Tara shouted from the bedroom.

We both laughed. "I'm gonna go say hi, maybe tell her a bedtime story or something too." He smiled. "You should probably get some sleep.."

"But what if Emily shows up?"

"I don't think she will. You'll see her tomorrow though." He patted me on the back before walking into the bedroom.

I decided to go to bed.



Can I be honest with you guys? I love that y'all love this story n everything but I'm not that happy with it. First of all, I'm not the biggest Roman fan, yeah.

"So why'ed you even start the story?1?1?1 omg!1!1"

Well, it was requested. So that's why lol. I'm obviously gonna continue writing it because it's doing so well. But sorry if I ever get lazy with it or add too much Dean or anything (oops). Second thing: I have a few ideas for some plot be ready for that..BLAHHAHAHAHAHA!!

Thanks for reading and I love you guys!! <3

Vote and comment please :)

- zoya

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