Me Me Me. Part 26

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(Picking up from last time)

I sat backstage with Tara in my lap, we watched Roman and Seth wrestle the Usos while Dean was on commentary. Tara was upset once I told her I wasn't going with them back to Tampa but she seems to be getting over it as she's smiling and cheering for her dad.



"Daddy!" Tara jumped out of my lap and hugged Roman. "You guys did great!" She added Seth into the hug. "You were funny on commentary Dean" she smiled at him making him smile back.

"Hey Emily, uh Phil's looking for you" Seth said after Tara let go.

"Oh okay, where is he?" I asked as I stood up.

"I'll take you too him" he said as he left the room. I followed. We walked down the hallways in silence. This is weird. We stopped at a door, Seth opened it and walked in. I followed. "Yeah Phil's not looking for you" he smirked. "I just needed to talk to you"

"Then why didn't you just say so?" I smiled weakly.

"I didn't want Roman to think anything was wrong..anyways are you alright?" He asked as he walked over to me and put his hand on my shoulder.

"F-Fine?" I lied.

"Look, Roman told me you that you aren't going to Tampa to meet his family anymore and I saw you talking to AJ earlier, you didn't look okay."

Well what do I tell him? Everything I told AJ? No! I had to be nice though.

"Uh, Seth this is really sweet that you care but it's nothing honestly. I just feel a little lost. A few days with my sister should make me feel better. But thanks again for asking" I smiled as I walked over to the door.

"It's Tara isn't it"

I stopped then slowly turned around. I couldn't hide my emotions. I nodded then ran into his arms crying.

"I love him so much Seth!! I don't know why this little kid is bothering me so much! She's so sweet and amazing and I want to love her but I feel like she came into our lives at such a bad time!" I cried.

Seth rubbed my back. "Does Roman know?"

"NO!" I pulled away. "D-Don't you dare tell him either! I just need to find myself..have sometime to myself. Maybe then I could find out how I really feel about things. Please Seth don't say anything to anyone! Please I beg you"

"I won't" a small smile grow on his lips. "You got a lot of thinking to do" he patted me on the back then walked away.



The next day: Chicago.

I fell in love with Phil and AJs homes. It was beautiful! Built perfectly for two. I loved everything about the house and the things in it.

"Morning" AJ said as she sat next to me on the kitchen bar stool.

"Morning" Phil and I said at the same time.

"I don't know what you guys got planned for today but I'm heading to the gym right now. If you guys end up doing anything you think I would find interesting give me a call" he smiled then left.

"He's a cutie" AJ smiled at me.

"Sure" I chuckled. "AJ, I can't even explain how much I love your guys house! It's freaking perfect!"

"I know right?! When I moved in here I couldn't believe this was now gonna be my house too" AJ smiled as she looked around. "Maybe one day you Roman and Tara will have a place like this" she smiled at me. Her smile slowly started to fade.

Just hearing Roman and Tara's name made my heart hurt.

"S-Sorry Emily, I didn't mean to bring them-"

"Nah, it's okay" I gave her a weak smile. "Now let's go do something fun!"

"RIGHT! Something fun...hummm" she rubbed her chin. "Okay, let me finish my coffee and get my brain working then I'll start thinking" she laughed.



AJ and I ended up going to the mall. It was kinda weird because non of us are much of shoppers. I got a few things for myself and even a new Barbie for Tara. Even though I'm having my problems with dealing with her now being in our lives I still do miss seeing her run around the hotel rooms dragging mix along with her. I also miss Roman, a lot . It's been one day but gosh I miss being in his arms so freaking much!

We got home and changed, I was waiting for AJ in the living room to finish changing and also waiting for Phil to get back home so we could all got out for lunch. I got my phone out and called Roman. I needed to hear his voice.




Hey :-) Soooo I have a new story!! It's called "Midnight" I already have two chapters up! It's a Dean Ambrose story by the way c: it would mean a lot if you guys checked it out. Anyways, I start grade 10 in 6 days (sad face) Also today is a big day for me. 7 years ago today I started watching wwe!! Gosh I love wrestling..anyways thanks for reading and voting..also maybe commenting!! xD


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