A Good Laugh. Part 50

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It's just like the old times, except Dean and Roman aren't here. Seth drove and played some music. He was quiet surprisingly. I was about to make some kind of conversation with him but, my phone buzzed. I looked down to see I got a message from Roman. THANK GOD.

Roman: are you okay?

Me: fine..why?

Me: do you really think Seth would hurt me? :-|

Roman: I can't answer that.

Me: but yet you still let me get in a car with him for a four hour long car ride?

Roman: Emily, I am NOT about to get in an argument with you over text message!

Me: well I can't call you...

Roman: I know...

Me: I might come see you later tonight, stay up..

Roman: okay :)

Me: bye

Roman: don't go!!!

I put my phone down. "So..." I said awkwardly.

"So?" Seth started "you actually wanna talk?"

"No, no not really. But why not. I mean I've got nobody else." Oh how I hate lying.

"Um, okay so what's up?"

Roman: answer me.

I ignored Roman, not for any reason though.

"I'm sitting in the car with the guy who beat up my boyfriend and best friend with a steal-chair for his own selfish needs...and I mean ex best friend and boyfriend by the way."

"Don't be a hypocrite." Seth sighed.

"At least I let everyone down nicely."

"Meh, you have a point" he shrugged.

Roman: fine, be like that.

Roman: James and Tara are here you know, so much more cooler than you.


"You ever gonna get over that?" Seth asked.

"I don't know Seth, I don't know."

"I understand. Hopefully one day you and I could like, be normal around each other again."

"Honestly, I hope for that too."

And that wasn't a lie. Seth is a great guy, it sucks what happened had to happen.

Roman: jk, you're the coolest.

Roman: Tara says hi...

Roman: Mix does too.

Roman: we're stopping for ice cream, you jealous?

"Hey Seth.."


"Wanna stop for like, some food or something like that? I'm starving."

"You do realize that means you have to spend even more time with me, right?"

"I'll do anything for food." I chuckled.

"Okay, pick a place."

"Subway!" I yelled.

He nodded before looking for one.

I grabbed my phone.

Me: well I'm getting me some Subway!

Roman: with seth?

Me: no, I'm gonna make him wait in the car...YES WITH SETH!

Roman: why can't you leave him in the car?

Me: why can't you trust me?

Roman: I do.

Me: doesn't seem like it..


Me: English please

Roman: let me enjoy my ice cream woman.

I giggled before locking my phone.

"What's funny?" Seth smiled at me.

"Uh um, fans." I smiled back.

"Yeah, some of them are strange.."

"I guess." I shrugged. "Now hurry up and find a Subway, I'm starving!!

"Okay, okay, I know you are and I'm looking!"

"Look harder."

"What does that even mean?!" He laughed.

"I don't know, I'M HUNGRY!"


"SO HURRY UP!" I laughed. "Gosh!"

"You're so rude."

"And you're annoying" I smirked.

"Not as an-"

"STOPP" I yelled. "Turn left, there's a Subway!"

"Okay! Jesus!" He said before turning into the parking lot. "We're here, happy?"

"You don't even know Seth, you don't even know.."

"You're odd.."

"Yeah, tell me something I don't know." I chuckled as I hopped out of the car.

"I listen to Taylor Swift."

"What?" I gave him a confused look as we walked into the Subway.

"You said 'tell me something I don't know.' So I did." He smiled.

"And I'm the odd one?"

We both laughed before standing in line. This might not be all that bad.

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