How you two met

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Tamaki Suoh

You were a new transfer student from (your home country) and you lost your way in the school, no doubt the school was too big and confusing for your liking. You came across a large room labeled as 'Music Room Number 3'. You shrugged and pushed the doors open, expecting to see instruments ad people playing instruments. But instead, a flock of red rose petals flew to your face, you closed your eyes and waved off the petals to avoid having them on your eyes.

"Welcome~" You opened your eyes to see seven ridiculously attractive men "my, my, what a beautiful young princess..did you come here to see me?" a handsome blonde guy with beautiful violet eyes kissed the back of your hand, you blushed "what would your name be?" he asked as he stood up, still holding your hand delicately, he was a few good inches taller than you "m-my name's ____ ..." you stuttered out, he chuckled as he finds this trait of yours adorably cute "a pleasure to meet you, m'lady.. my name is Tamaki Suoh, would you like to accompany me for a cup of tea?" you nodded and followed him to a table, later talking about yourselves to get to know each other.

Kyoya Ootori

You were an only child of a very successful and wealthy family, your father decided to enter you to Ouran Highschool and today is your first day. You grimaced as you wore the ugly looking yellow uniform and rode to school with your limousine. As you dropped off infront of the entrance, many students were talking about you. You were always the jewel of the accessory, your beauty was always admired and you're known to be competitive, a perfectionist, you did absolutely everything perfectly.

You were walking around the halls aimlessly when you came across a handsome looking man, he had jet black hair and captivating dark orbs that was accompanied by his glasses "ah, you must be ____ _____, many people are talking about you" he said while writing something on his black notebook, you raised an eyebrow "yes, and you are...?" you asked, he closed his notebook and looked at you, his glasses glaring from the light "my name's Kyoya Ootori, pleasure to meet you" he hel out his hand and you willingly shook it "I've heard some interesting things about you, Ms. ____ ...I've been wanting to discuss something with you, would you mind if I ask you out for coffee?"

Hikaru Hitachiin

You were the outgoing type, you liked going to places and you were very down to earth, which was quite rare for someone as ridiculously rich as you. You happened to stumble across an old arcade and decided to play a few rounds, a few minutes later you beat the high score and you jumped in joy. You heard a faint chuckle behind you and you turned around, seeing a ginger haired boy with sharp honey eyes.

"Hi, I couldn't help but watch you beat my high score" he smirked, you smiled in victory "my name's Hikaru, Hikaru Hitachiin" he held out his hand and you gladly shook it and told him your name " ____ _____" he smiled "well ____, want to play a round with me?" you grinned and nodded and went into your playing stations, playing games until you two ran out of quarters.

"That was fun, ____" he ruffled you hair and you blushed slightly, he was quite the charmer too "let's do that again sometime" he said cheerfully, you nodded and smiled back.

Kaoru Hitachiin

You ran to your class as fast as you can, you were late for culinary class again and this class was your favorite.

Why? Because your long time crush, Kaoru Hitachiin attends this class. It was the only class where Kaoru is separated from his identical twin, Hikaru because Hikaru picked I.T. class over culinary class. You rushed in the classroom and went to your stations, the teacher assigned everyone to bake something sweet so you immediately thought of making pumpkin spiced cupcakes.

After a while you took them out and the teacher tasted it, you got an easy A. Kaoru approached you "hey, ___, right?" you nodded, blushing "mind if I try those?" he pointed to the untouched cupcakes and you shook your head "no, not at all, go ahead" you smiled and he took a bite out of one "not bad" he ruffled your hair "I'm glad you like them" you blushed and he chuckled "it's really good, well I guess I'll be noticing you from now on ____" he winked then the bell rang, he waved and went to his next class, leaving you in a blushing mess and in a daze.

Mitsukuni Haninozuka (Honey)

You worked at a local cake shop near the famous Ouran Highschool Academy, everyone loved your cakes, pastries and desserts. You've always loved baking since you were a kid and decided to take over your mother's cake shop and look where you are now. Although you were a teen, you were quite the short type but it didn't stop you from doing what you wanted to do.

You were about to close the shop early but then the door opened, a cute blonde kid rushed in, he had adorable round honey eyes and he was with a tall guy who looked very scary, he had jet black hair and dark orbs.

The blonde cutie ran to you "Hi! My name's Honey, may I order cake??" he was very cheerful and you couldn't resist those cute honey orbs of him. You served him cake and he ate it happily "yummy! Did you bake this?" he asked you and you nodded "that's really cool! What's your name if you don't mind me asking?" you giggled "my name's ____" suddenly, you felt him peck your cheek and you blushed beet red "nice to meet you ____! I like you, you're cute" you blushed even redder "y-you think I'm cute??" you asked and he grinned "yeah! very cute!" he left his change on the table "that was the best cake I've ever tasted, I'll see you again ____!" he ran outside with his tall friend, you touched your cheek, blushing and smiling. Who knew you were also waiting for him to visit your cake shop again?

Takashi Morinozuka (Mori)

You were walking home at night, tired from your work. You're a working highschool student in a high ranked university and you live alone. You're very independent but ofcourse, it also has a price. Lately, it's been really draining your time AND your energy. You tiredly walked home, not noticing that a couple of drunk men were following you "well, well, well...look what we have here" you turned around then saw trouble making men surrounding you, you backed away and they chuckled "no point in running, missy just surrender yourself to us" hands grabbed your arms, holding you back "no! let go of me!!" you started struggling but they were too strong "stop struggling!!" they started taking off your clothes and you screamed for help, they laughed at you and you closed your eyes tightly, crying silently, hoping someone, anyone, would save you.

"hey, let go of the lady.."

Haruhi Fujioka

You were the quiet type, the wallflower, usually found in the library, the rooftop or in the school gardens, whether you may be drawing or just reading a good book, you loved being alone in your own world and your own space.

You were sketching an anime character on your sketchpad while eating your lunch in the school garden, enjoying the silence when you heard a rustle in the bushes. You closed your book then look around for the source of the sound, you then saw someone coming out of the bushes. He..or rather, she looked at you and put her finger to her lips as if you tell you to be quiet about her being there.

After a while, she sat beside you "sorry about that, I was running away from someone" she apologized then held out her hand "my name's Haruhi Fujioka" you took her hand and shook it " I'm ____ _____'re a girl right? Why are you wearing a male's uniform?" she tensed up "w-what gave it away??" you chuckled "trust me, I've seen enough traps to know which is which.. I won't tell anyone so don't worry" she smiled in relief "say, are you hungry?" you asked and handed her a part of your lunch "take it, I bet you left your food somewhere before running off here".

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