When you're on your period

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Tamaki Suoh

"____, love, are..you okay?" Tamaki peeks inside your room, you were on your bed, under the covers, bleeding.

Tamaki walks to you catiously, careful not to make you angry again like last time "w-where does it hurt?" he asks and you scream


You glomped Tamaki and he screamed for his dear life "can we cuddle please?" you ask cutely and Tamaki blushed, nodding "anything for you, my princess" he kisses your forehead

"Oh, good.. can you run to the store and grab me some skittles?"

Kyoya Ootori

"Kyoyaaaaa" you whine, leaning on your boyfriend's back, he was typing on his laptop about some of the issues the Host Club was facing and you didn't like it, he should've dated the laptop instead! (( omg..I ship, sorry reader-chan XDD ))

"_____, I'm busy, also weren't you facing some lady problems?" he says as he type, you pouted "it's the third day, and you promised to spend some time with me" Kyoya looks at you and he sighed, smiling "I promise I'll spend time with you once I'm finished with this" he kisses your forehead and you whine again "what is even the problem?"

"Well, the host club is facing a bit of shortage on the budget" he states as he pushes his glasses up "why? what happened?" you tilted your head to the side

"Because our idiot king accidentally bought a zoo"

"How can you ACCIDENTALLY buy a zoo?!" you exclaim

"Well, Tamaki managed to" he continues typing on his laptop

You sighed "fine, I'll go home now" you stand up and he looks at you "take the limo, be safe" then he continues doing his thing on his laptop, you pouted "I will, bye.." you headed out, disappointed at the fact that Kyoya did other things when it was supposed to be only the two of you. You decided to buy a few snacks for your cravings and walked home whle munching on them.

You walk to your door and opened it "huh.. why are the lightd out?" you flick the light switch open and to your surprise the room was covered in flowers, sweets, stuffed toys and some dvds. You notice a note on the coffee table and you picked it up, reading it.

"I'm sorry about earlier, I'll make it up to you, I promise. I love you"

"Holy mackarel there's ten boxes of pizza over here!"

Hikaru Hitachiin

"Hello? ____?"

"Hey, Hikaru.." you sniffle as you wipe your tears, you just watched a sad movie and your mood swings didn't help "____?? Why are you crying?!" Hikaru asks from the other line

"i-it's nothing.. I just watched a movie.. the dog died, Hikaru.. he DIED" you sob through the phone and you hear him sigh

"it's alright ____, it' s just a movie.. the dog is still alive, I promise you" Hikaru tries to calm you down through the phone


"Alright, alright, calm down.. I'm heading to your place right now... do you want me to pick something up for you?"

You sniffle "...a set of pads"

"Is that all..?"

".........six boxes of chocolates, a box of pizza, extra large fries and a big mac"

You hear him chuckle from the other line "alright, I'll be there in thirty minutes"

"You're the best, Hikaru"

"I know, love you, bye"

"bye, I love you too"

Kaoru Hitachiin


"what?! are you hurt?!! Did you hit your head??" Kaoru asks, frantically looking for any signs of injury, you rolled your eyes "calm down, I'm fine.. it just means I'm on my period" Kaoru sighs in relief

"That means you have to get me some pads"

"Eeeh?? But.. I don't know what women use for those!" he exclaimed, you whine and lock yourself in the bathroom "I can't go along with my day without a pad!" He sighs and calls out a maid "please buy ____ some...lady toiletries" the maid nodded and proceeded to head outside

"_____, come on.. open the door"




"I'll buy you piza"


"You hesitated"

"No I did not! Go away, don't go near the overflowing river of satan" you huffed, waiting for the maid to come back to give you your pads, you heard some shuffling beside you

"you left the door open"

Takashi Morinozuka

You opened your eyes. You felt it.

It's that time of the month again

You groan as you walk to the bathroom, good thing you brought pads along when you came over at Mori's. As soon as you changed, you layed back in bed, not having the interest on doing anything.

'How I wish I can sleep through this week'

You heard the door creak open and you see a maid, holding a tray of food "goodmorning, milady.. young master is training in the dojo, he asked me to make you breakfast" the maid put the tray on your lap and you thanked the maid, she went out as soon and you got the food 'I should visit Mori and thank him'

After finishing your food, you took a quick shower, changed clothes and made yourself look decent. You headed downstairs to Mori's training room but as soon as you slid open the door a maid accidentally spilt a tray of left overs all over you

"Waaah! I'm so sorry milady!!" she apologized over and over again "i-it's fine" you say, your mood swings kicking in, you felt tears stream down your cheeks and the maid started to panic

Mori notices the commotion and he walks to you "are you okay?" he asks, you nodded, sniffling "I wanted to be pretty for you, the food ruined it.."

Mori smiles and kisses your forehead "you're always beautiful to me _____" you sniffle and smile, your cheeks turning red "come on, let's get that food cleaned up off you"

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