How he asked you out

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(h/l) - hair length
(e/c) - eye color
(s/c) - skin color

Tamaki Suoh

You and Tamaki have been close friends, he makes you laugh when you're down and you would pat his back for comfort whenever he sulks in his emo corner. This afternoon, you and the host club were having tea at the school garden, well, most of the host club. Tamaki and Kyouya went somewhere "do you think Senpai will be okay?" Haruhi asked "well, Kyouya-senpai took M'lord the clinic" one of the twins stated "maybe he's having one of his panic attacks again" Honey mentioned, playing with his Usa-chan. You twiddled with your fingers, worried for the usually enthusiastic blonde, you stood up " ____-chan? where are you going?" Haruhi asked, looking at you, you smiled softly "just gonna get some fresh air at the rooftop, I'll be fine" you said as you waved goodbyes to the hosts, climbing the stairs and stepping foot on the rooftop. You immediately spotted a certain blonde "Tamaki-kun?" he yelped, turning around to face you, face completely flustered "_-___! what are you doing here?" you walked closer ans he flinched "I should ask you the same thing.." he waved his hands as if to say no "d-don't come near me! I-I'm sick, you might catch it!!" He covered himself " 'sick' ? what kind of sickness?" You asked "I-I don't know! e-everytime I'm around you, my chest hurts! it's a weird feeling..I just wanna hug you and.." you blushed and he started to panic "I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to-- ugh!" he groans then hugs you tightly "I like you.. _____..." your (e/c ) eyes widen "y-you do?!" He nodded "for a while you...accept these feelings of mine ____?" he holds your hand delicately, you smiled softly and nodded "I do because I like you too, Tamaki" he blushed and you two watched the sun set from the roof top.

Kyoya Ootori

(( I personally find this quite adorable ))

"checkmate, Ootori" you smirked as you defeated Kyouya in another round of chess, he chuckled "impressive, Miss _____" you smiled your victory smile and eat some of the pocky you brought earlier "how about another round, the loser gets to do what the winner wants them to" he suggests and you stopped chewing on your yummy chocolate flavored pocky, brushing a stray of (h/c) hair from your face "I'll beat you again though" you stated and he chuckled once again, his glasses glaring because of the light "we'll see about that.."

~ ♡♡♡♡♡ ~

"checkmate...Miss _____"

You stared in shock as Kyoya defeated you in a game of chess, he smirks when he sees your reaction "surprised? I am too, to be honest I was holding back the whole time" you glared at him "you better not make me do something stupid" he chuckles "no, why would I do such a thing.. all I ask for is for you to go out with me" he smiles, softer than his usual smirk, you blushed "seriously Kyoya?! you defeated me in chess just so you can ask me out??" he shrugs "maybe you wouldn't go with me if I asked directly, unlike other girls, you don't get attracted just by simply looking at the physical appearance" this time, you were the one to laugh "ofcourse I would've gone out with you, you didn't have to do all this.." he smiles, relief written on his face "I'll pick you up at seven then"

Hikaru Hitachiin

(( in this scene, you're in your room playing an online video game -you guys can talk to each other using yer headphones- and Hikaru's playing in his home ))

"BOOM headshot!!!" you yelled as you killed the last enemy of your team in an online game "nice shot _____!" Hikaru yelled from his ear piece, you giggled as you saw the chat about asking if you were really a girl gamer. You sighed and layed on your bed "_____?" You heard Hikaru's voice from your headphones "yeah?" "why do you like games so much? I mean, it's not common for girls" you closed you eyes "because it takes me to different kinds of adventures, and I'm kind of a show off.." you explained "how so?" Hikaru asked and you sat up, hugging a pillow "I want to show everyone that I can do what a man can do, just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I don't and can't play games like these, just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I can't play sports or be strong or stand for myself..just because I'm a girl doesn't mean they should look down on me..." you sighed and Hikaru was silent for a moment "I think that thought of yours is pretty cool, shouldn't stop" you smiled "thanks Hikaru.."

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