When he's trying to get your attention

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Tamaki Suoh

You were just sitting on your bed, enjoying this wonderful book you got attached to when suddenly "(Name)~ notice meee" your boyfriend whines as he nuzzles his face on your shoulder, you tried to ignore it because you were getting to the good part of he story "Not now, Tamaki, I'm busy" you mumble while your eyes focuses on the book, swiftly letting your imagination make the book more interesting.

Tamaki pouts and rests his head on your shoulder "what are you reading anyway? He asks, "(Book Title), it's a good one" you commented "why don't we just go outside? the wheather is nice"

You glance outside your window "..nah, it's too sunny..plus, going outside means I have to get up and dress myself, no way Jose" you put your attention back to the book and continue reading.

Tamaki went silent for a while and you smiled, thinking he fell asleep from total boredom. You were wrong.

You felt soft gentle hands slip inside your shirt and started to tickle you. You jolt up, letting go of the book then laughed, trying to push Tamaki away. Tamaki hugged you from behind and laid down so he'd cuddle you, you roll your eyes "alright, alright, you win" you turned around to face him and he smiles, kissing your forehead.

Kyoya Ootori

Kyoya was always busy, he'd always find ways to keep himself working, typing on his laptop, writing on his notebook, recording the Host Club's sales or hosting. Although he finds time to spend with you, he was still busy, it's one of the consequences having a workaholic boyfriend. And sometimes, when he's too busy, you find yourself a little lonely, he's there but not completely, and it would make you feel..unwanted.

You decided to make him taste his own medicine so you planned the whole day doing several activities, leaving your phone at home so Kyoya wouldn't be able to contact you and pushed your will power to avoid checking on Kyoya. You left a voice message so every time Kyoya tries to call, he'd receive a voice message saying that you're busy and to leave a message.

After the whole day you were exhausted, you walked home with Haruhi after your activity with her "Bye Haruhi!" You waved at the brunette and she waved back, you were about to open the door but realized it was unlocked. You shrugged, thinking you must've forgotten to lock it earlier. You walked up to your room, imagining the bliss you'll have once you take that nap. You opened the door, seeing a familiar figure sleeping on your bed "..err, Kyoya?" You walked towards the figure and suddenly you were grabbed and pulled down on the bed by Kyoya, he was glaring at you "K-Kyoya! Hi..." you exclaimed, a little nervous "where have you been?" Kyoya asked, venom dropping from every word, you gulped "I was busy......like you, I mean..you were always working and I always felt left out or something, I thought if I had something to do instead of just bothering you with your work, I wouldn't feel so left out" his eyes softened and he nuzzles your neck "I'm sorry, I didn't know you felt like that.. I'm never busy when it comes to you" you felt a pair of soft lips touch yours and you kiss back, raking a hand through his silky raven locks.

What happens next is up to you guys >w<

Hikaru Hitachiin

Normally, you'd be the one trying to get Hikaru's attention, but he wasn't willing to give you that lately. Being the popular hosts the twins are, they always get bombarded by their fan girls, always receiving sweets and love letters and usually once this happens, Hikaru's attention would be directed to them and not you. You've been feeling ignored and under appreciated so you thought you'd distance yourself from him for a while, sure his fans are important but you are his girlfriend, he should at least ignore THEM and give his attention to you.

It may sound a little selfish but this time, you wanted him to look at you only

School started and you headed to your classroom, your boyfriend was talking to some fan girls and you sat to your seat quietly, not bothering to greet him "Hey (Name)!" Haruhi greets and you greeted back with a smile, Hikaru looks at your direction and for the first time he felt like he was the one being ignored

//permanently discontinued

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