Eighteen: The Recruits Need Mental Help

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There are a lot of POV changes in this chapter. Oh, well. I feel super bad for Sky, though. Like, seriously, it's just one thing after another, isn't it?

Remind Me

Ch 18

Sky's POV

"Would anyone like some... CAKE!?" Ian yells, pulling a random cake out of nowhere.

"Aw, snap," I mumble, jumping off the platform and stepping slowly towards Ian. "Is anyone hungry enough to eat his cake?" I ask.

"Even if we were hungry, he probably poisoned it or something!" Jason points out.

Ian's crossed blue eyes widen. "Are you saying you don't want my cake?" His body starts trembling slightly. "DO YOU KNOW WHAT I HAD TO DO TO MAKE THIS CAKE? DO YOU KNOW WHAT I HAD TO DO!?"

I wince as I step toward Ssundee, holding out my sword in a defensive position. "OK," I say calmly. "Surround him slowly. Do not alarm him. Don't hurt him, either, because the respawn machine is off." I feel a twinge of guilt for killing Dawn, but quickly brush it away. "Contain him until we can get the glasses back," I say, trying to keep an emotionless expression on my face as the full weight of the situation hits me. I killed Dawn. The city could blow at any moment. Poisonous and jumbo squids are attacking. The army has pretty much given up. Mitch's army is attacking mine. We have Derp Ssundee on our hands.


"N-No, you d-don't underst-stand!" Derp Ssundee hisses. "I w-worked hard on th-this cake, and you will eat it or else."

"No, Ssundee," I say with finality in my tone.

He grins sadistically. I guess he didn't hear the finality. "I meant what I said and I said what I meant, a Derp Ssundee's faithful one hundred percent!" Ty facepalms and then drags his hand slowly down his face after hearing Derp Ssundee's remark. I groan as well. Really, Ian? But then he pulls out a sharp dagger, and I know he's not kidding. He really did have some horrible things in mind when he said "or else." He dodges away from Mitch and Jerome and darts toward me. I jump to the right to avoid getting full-on stabbed, but the dagger grazes my left arm. I bite my lip. Yowch, headache.

Erm... Ian? Why're you giving me that look?

He throws the dagger at me. I duck and screech, "What's wrong with Ian!?"

Jason sighs. "You have to yelp or something next time he hurts you. Or now, I guess. Then you'll remember."

I nod and allow myself to shout a little at the constant pain. Ah, yes, Derp Ssundee. Note to self: Just scream next time.

"Okay," I say, dodging another knife from Derp Ssundee. "Plan B! We run downstairs, search for that kid who took the glasses, and hope Ssundee doesn't catch us. Ready? GO!"

We all dart out of the room and down the stairs with Derp Ssundee close behind. I freeze, but only for a second, when I see the immense chaos that is my army. Some of the Recruits have gathered into groups and are chanting unintelligible nothings while others huddle in corners, rocking back and forth while hugging their chests and muttering things about the end of the world as we know it. The few Recruits that are still fighting are having a very hard time, as they are now outnumbered and overpowered by the mutant squids. A few of the Recruits are being held hostage by a group of Doods in the center of the room. The Doods have swords pressed against the Recruits' throats. Okay, who do I help? The ones that are freaking out, the ones that are being surrounded by squids, or the ones that are being held hostage? And I also have to find Ssundee's glasses. Great.

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