Twelve: The Traitor

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Here's a more serious chapter for you people. And to all you Rulers who commented saying I'd made you laugh with Chapter Eleven: Good! That makes me happy!

Also, I've decided that this will not be a Skylox story. I had two or three people say they wanted it to be one, but at least three have said they didn't want it, and I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable reading this. I also was reading through reviews, and I saw Elementalist's review. Hadn't I actually told him/her that this wouldn't be a Skylox already? OK. Well, no Skylox. (And, to Mayanmoustache, a skylox story is a story where Sky and Deadlox are in a relationship.)

OK, then.

Enjoy the chap-uh-ter, Rulers! (I love how smart Seto sounds in this one. :3)

Remind Me

Chapter 12

Sky's POV

"We need ideas, people!" I shout.

"What if we channeled the world's energy into one gigantic orb of power and used it to blow up the universe, ending all existence?"

"We need ideas that don't hurt, people!" I say. "Ideas that include logic and common sense!"

"What exactly are we trying to do?"

"We're trying to prevent the squids from tampering with the respawn machine! I don't want anyone else losing their memory or dying for good," I reply.

"Maybe we could just improve the respawn machine? Like, make it harder to be broken or disabled!" someone suggests.

Seth steps in. "That's risky business. We could accidentally screw up the respawn mechanism's normal functions if we try to improve it, and that would mean eternal hardcore mode."

The room quiets. Awkward, scared silence ensues.

"AHH! THE SILENCE, IT BURNS!" I yell. A few people laugh or giggle, diffusing the tension in the air. The room doesn't feel so stuffy any more.

"Could we ban the squids?" someone asks.

"They won't listen to us. If they want to stay, they'll stay," Ty says.

"Can we kill them all?" somebody asks.

"I like this idea!" I say, grinning.

"So does everyone else, I'm sure. But they have jumbo squids now; they're crazy powerful. And, aside from that, they're mobs. They'll just respawn no matter what," Jason points out.

I groan. "But we have to contain them somehow. If we don't they'll just keep attacking the respawn machine."

"Even if squids have gained the ability to walk on land, they're still water mobs," someone says. "So they'll still spawn in water. So, couldn't we just get rid of all the water near the city?"

Dakota and Quentin shriek, "NO!"

Quentin continues, "We need the water! Besides, water is important, especially now that Sky can light things on fire with his fists."

"What if we spawn a bunch of pigs so there's a room in the world for anymore mobs to spawn?" someone suggests.

"LAG!" I yell, dragging the word out. "No way. I can't live my life having to mine ever block five times before it registers and I can finally pick it up."

"Well, what do we do, then?"

"Hmm... Hmm... HMMMMM... … GOT IT! WALLS!" I shout.

"Uh, Sky, I don't think this is the time for mini-games," Ian says.

I huff. "I meant we should build walls. You know. Walls. Around the respawn machine. We should build three-block-thick walls, and a floor and a ceiling, out of obsidian. We don't need to mess with the respawn machine unless it's broken, and it won't be broken if the squids can't get to it. We'll just seal it off from the rest of the world. BAM! Easy fix."

"Where will we get all that obsidian?" Seto asks.

"Seth is in creative mode for buildy stuff all the time. He can just switch to creative and build the walls," I say.

"It'll take a while to build a floor, ceiling, and walls that are three blocks thick. The respawn mechanism is huge," Seth tells us.

"Well, you can just give everyone a few stacks of obsidian, and we'll all work on it. FRIENDSHIP!"


"Woohoo! But there's still the jumbo squid – possible jumbo squids – to worry about. What about them?" I ask.

"Well," Seto says, "the 'jumbo squids,' as you have named them, have a very small chance of having spawned naturally. Most likely, they were regular squids that were genetically modified by their own kind in the hopes of finally being able to overpower you, Sky. This certainly proves that the squids have either gotten smarter or found someone fairly smart to work with them. If the latter is true, then we may be able to find and stop their partner and then destroy the data and/or potions used to create the jumbo squids. The squids would no longer have access to the knowledge required to turn squids into jumbo squids, and once the armies take care of the large creatures, we'd be back to fighting normal squids." He sighs. "If the squids have simply gotten smarter... Well, then we're doomed."

I nod. "OK. I need a few of you to go with Seth to build walls. Everyone else will come with me to gather the armies and own the squids. Any volunteers to stay?"

*ten minutes later*

Kermit, Quentin, Brice, James, Deceptibonk, Bashur, Ryan, and Seth are heading out to build walls/mess with the respawn mechanism. We definitely could have used Quentin or Kermit if it came ot an in-the-water battle, but I'm fairly sure we'll be fighting on land. Everyone else is coming with me to attack the squids, kill the jumbo squids, and find out who's helping them be smart. We're bringing the Sky Army, the Dead Army, all the stars, the entirety of the Fridge, and a battle chicken we found in the forest. We could have gotten way more people, but I think this will be enough.

The respawn mechanism is working for the time being. I can only hope it will stay that way for the battle.

The armies march through the plains biome. Well, I march. A few of the recruits march. Everyone else just walks.

I caught a member of the Fridge skipping. I don't think they're taking this seriously. "Hey!" I shout. "No fun allowed! We're on a mission!" A few people giggle. Darn it. I'm too not serious. "OK, fine. Be that way. I have a new plan. Since we can't look professional and intimidating, we're going to look happy and awesome. We're gonna look like we don't have a care in the world, and we're not worried at all about the upcoming battle."

Eight more people start skipping. Half my army beings to exaggerate the way they march. Silly grins are plastered on everyone's faces.

Come on, people, we're going to war!

As we search for the squid base, a thought occurs to me. What if the person helping the squids is one of us? It could happen. In fact, it's very likely. There could be a traitor among us.

I have an idea.

"PEOPLE! Recruits, Stars, other peeps! I am sorry to say that there is a traitor in our midst," I announce, turning to face Team Crafted and the armies. Everyone gasps. But... Ty, Jason, Seto, and Mitch... They didn't gasp correctly. It looked... forced. Either they knew there was a traitor here, or they are the traitor.

Oh, Notch, no. These are some of my best friends. They can't be traitors.

But... well, darn it.

I stand up tall and narrow my eyes at the four. "And it's either Jason, Ty, Mitch, or Seto," I say confidently.

Three of them gasp, their eyes widen. They either mouth "Me?" or point to themselves in question.

But one of them only asks loudly, "How did you know?"


Ooh, plot twist! So, who of the four is the traitor? GUESS!

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