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I pulled myself into the top deck of the Airship, following Nadia's lead. I found a window and stood by it, and Nadia sat close to me.

"It's been a while since we've been able to be in this thing."  I said.

"It sure has. Nice change of scenery. It's certainly better than looking at those same earth walls all the time," Nadia said. "And also... you can take her off your back now."

"Huh? What do you mean?" I said.

"The way you're standing makes you look like you're trying to hold your shit in like you're constipated or somethin. Either that, or you're still carrying Asa on your back. Put her down now."

I laughed at her.

"I would, if you bothered to give her a pair of shoes. She's blind as hell, literally. I'm not gonna have her bare feet touch a place she's never been in." I complained.

"I didn't know we had to leave this place so quickly. Besides, I didn't bring any extra shoes. Don't worry though, there's a ton of nice stores in Bantu. We'll get her some. It'll be on me. But for now, put her into the seat in front of me."

I listened to Nadia's directions and lowered my back to let Asa gently down into the seat. I then sat into the seat beside her. The seat arrangements were such that two pairs of side-by-side seats faced each other, so the two of us were facing Nadia and the empty seat beside her. The empty seat her brother probably would've sat in if he didn't go missing.

"I am just... so exhausted." I heard myself let out.

Just then, we heard the elevator come up. Dr. Caldwell stepped out, accompanied by three very small kids.

"Nadia and... Gus, correct? I'm elated to see you two here safe and sound."

"You as well, Doc." Nadia said. 

"Same here." I said, echoing her sentiment. 

"I hope you don't mind me bringing these little ones up here. They're orphans, and I'm bringing them to Bantu to have them taken in by new families. I'll keep watch over them, so they won't bother you."

One of them, a girl made eye contact with Nadia.

"Adorable," she commented, cracking a smile. "What are their names?"

"Well," the doctor said. "This girl's name is Alina. And this one," he said, referring to the older of two boys. "Is Lounes. And this precious little guy, is Mezian." he said, finishing with the younger one.

"Their new families better call them by those, they're fantastic," Nadia said, affectionately pinching Alina's cheek. "And besides, their names are all they get to take with them."

"Unfortunately, that is the case, but soon enough, they'll get to have a lot more things to them. They'll never replace what they lost, but at least they won't be empty handed much longer."

He gave us a courteous smile before walking with the kids out of our sight. It was a pretty large craft, so I waited until they were far enough from us to speak.

"Is it safe for me to take a little nap?" I asked Nadia.

"Go ahead," she laughed. "It's not like you need to cover it up like the person beside me." I turned to look at the person in question. Her head was rested against the wall beside her seat. Her breaths seemed to be slow and deep. She was definitely dozing off. I buckled her up before doing the same for myself.

"Don't wake me up unless it's serious. Like, Satan-himself-decided-to-hop-into-the-ship-and-treat-it-like-his-bedroom type serious." I joked to Nadia. After that, I fell asleep pretty fast. I needed it.

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